  • 學位論文


Li-Ion Battery Charger in Adaptive USB Charging Technology

指導教授 : 陳建中


本論文針對在手持式的電源裝置,探討電池在產品上的應用,是以選擇哪個類型的電芯才可以做到高效能及長時間性的設計。在電路應用上,透過USB連接器當輸入端的5V/10W 充電規格,設計與實作一個自適應基礎的鋰電池充電器。插入USB連接器的D+/D-介面,作為充電器的充電判斷。一般當D+/D-短路,充電電流會由最小0.3A,以階數的方式上升到1.8A;在上升過程中,只要所設計的輸入端最小臨界 電壓沒偵測到,代表所供應的功率是足夠,就會逐步將輸入電流提升到1.8A。系統的電源架構是兩串一並電池設計,所以當外部插入5V 的電源,從輸入端到充電器將會有以下的規劃:會先有一級升壓線路約88%,再經由系統上92%定功率(CP)值,再到充電器轉出的94%效率轉換,總功率輸出效率為76%。


This thesis focuses on the handheld power supply unit to explore the application of the battery on the product,choose which one type of batteries only way to achieve high performance and a long battery life design. By circuit application through the USB connector to be an input 5V/10W charging specification,design and implement an adaptive basis of the lithium battery charger. Insert D + / D- interface connector mechanism as the charging judgment. Generally short D + / D- circuit,the step by step charging current from the minimum 0.3A to rise up 1.8A. During rise up the minimum threshold detect voltage of the design input is not detected,the representatives of the power supply is sufficient,it would gradually increase input current up to 1.8A. The power system structure is two strings one parallel pack battery ,so insert external 5V power source the input to the charger will have the following plan, first a boost of about 88%, then through the system 92% constant power (CP) values,then the charger out of the 94% efficiency of conversion,the total power output efficiency of 76%.


1997, pp. 39-41.
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