  • 學位論文


The Process of Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources Specialist—Take P Company as an Example

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在探討人力資源管理師之任用歷程,係以P公司為個案對象,探討其任用人力資源管理師歷程現況、任用決策形成之方式及任用決策之影響因素。 根據研究目的,首先經由文獻探討確立研究主題及研究範圍,廣泛蒐集任用歷程相關文獻,及個案公司P公司之相關任用歷程中所使用之文件,再以滾雪球抽樣的方式,針對P公司人力資源管理師任用決策者及人力資源管理師應徵者進行半結構訪談,並對訪談結果進行編碼分析,而獲得以下結論: 一、P公司人力資源管理師甄選條件共有六項,並未列於工作說明書中,其條件為 1.大學以上相關科系畢業;2.具相關工作經驗2-3年以上;3.具高度工作熱忱;4.具基本英語能力;5.具基本Word、Excel、Powerpoint電腦能力,中文輸入50字/分以上;6.具人力資源管理師相關證照尤佳。 二、P公司人力資源管理師任用歷程依序為1. 提出人力需求單;2.進行招募作業;3.進行甄選作業;4.提出任用單;5.通知報到。 三、P公司之招募甄選工具包含人格測驗、英語測驗、邏輯測驗、面談及workshop。 四、筆試題目之「人格測驗」為購自坊間出版社,「英語測驗」及「邏輯測驗」則由P公司自行命題,未進行信效度分析,亦缺乏電腦能力測驗。 五、P公司多採非結構式面談,不易預測工作績效。 六、P公司缺乏採用專業能力測驗,不易了解應徵者實際能力。 七、任用決策以甄選評分為依據,學歷約佔20%-30%,工作經驗亦約為20%-30%,面談則約為50%-60%。 八、影響P公司人力資源管理師任用決策之因素共四項,包含:1.他人推薦-他人推薦之應徵者,較不易錄取, 2.專業能力-P公司於進行人力資源管理師任用決策時較重視應徵者的專業能力,3.第一印象-面談時及過程中的態度良好,較易錄取, 4.現任員工-P公司通常較優先現任員工優先任用。


The goal of this study was to discuss the process of recruitment and selection of human resources specialist. Company P was used as a study to investigate the current situation regarding to the process of recruitment and selection, and some influential factors and importance of employment decision-making. According to the research purpose, this study was done through qualitative research method. Firstly, the theme and scope of research were chosen through literature reviews, including a broad collection of the process of recruitment and selection related literature, and relevant the recruitment and selection documents of Company P. Subsequently, a snowball sampling was conducted, focusing on semi-structured interviews with the human resources division’s employment decision maker and the human resources specialist candidates. Coding analysis was carried out after the interviews, and the following conclusions were made: 1. There were a total of six selection criteria as a human resources specialist of Company P which are not listed in the job description: (1) University graduate and above in related discipline, (2) At least 2 to 3 years of relevant working experience, (3) with a high degree of working enthusiasm, (4) Basic English proficiency, (5) Possess basic computer capabilities in Word, Excel and Powerpoint, Chinese typing input of 50 words/min or more, and (6) Possession of relevant human resources management certificates was preferred. 2. The process of human resources specialist of Company P were: (1) apply for recruitment, (2) recruitment, (3) selection, (4) employment decision making, and (5) notice the candidate. 3. The recruitment and selection tools of Company P include personality test, English test, logic reasonable test, workshop, and interview. 4. The ‘personality test’ was bought from an external publisher, the ‘English test’ and ‘logic reasonable test’ were designed by Company P, which have never carried out analysis of validity and reliability, and it also lacked of a computer ability test. 5. The company conducted non-structured style face-to-face interviews, which has limited validity in forecasting working performance and achievements. 6. There was a lack of professional competence test to understand the actual capability of the candidates. 7. Employment decisions were based on scores in the selection process: 20%-30% on both educational qualification and working experience, and 50%-60% from the interview. 8. There were 4 criteria that affect the employment decision of human resources specialist of Company P, including: (1) Reference of the candidate, (2) The candidate’s professional competencies, (3) The first impression during the interview and the attitude during the process, and (4) Whether someone was a current staff of Company P or not.


