  • 學位論文


Using Experimental Design To Correlate Microstructural And Mesoscale Mechanism Parameters In Bonded-particle Model

指導教授 : 王泰典
共同指導教授 : 翁祖炘


大地工程師的首要目標為地質狀況與工程施工設計間的整合,無論在公路邊坡的整治與維護或山岳隧道的開挖工作前都必須仰賴充分的地質調查報告以提供工程設計所需的參數來源。而地質調查報告中的岩石力學特性參數多是由場址鑽探所得岩心進行室內實驗求得,若想進行多種力學試驗如單軸壓縮試驗、多軸壓縮試驗與直接剪力試驗等試驗則需要大量試體以供實驗需要,礙於岩心試體鑽取價格昂貴且保存不易,目前工程上常使用數值分析軟體來模擬各種實驗狀態下岩石材料的力學特性,以節省時間及金錢上的花費。 為釐清並提供介觀力學特性參數與微觀組構因子在數值模擬軟體中的相關性,故本研究利用顆粒流數值模擬軟體PFC3D(Particle Flow Code in 3 dimensions),以不同顆粒粒徑進行模擬並將模型的幾何組成與顆粒鍵結分開討論,最後再以實驗設計法探求微觀組構因子對介觀材料力學特性的影響。 本研究結果顯示實驗設計法能有效率的分析微觀組構因子對介觀材料力學特性的影響,且能應用於多種岩石材料的力學特性模擬。


The priority target of geotechnical engineers is combine the geological condition with engineering construction. Before the slope or mountain tunnel excavate, the engineering design using the parameter which provides by the geologic investigation report. The rocks mechanical characteristic in the geologic investigation report obtained by laboratory experiment and the specimens were prepared by taking the rock cores in field. In order to save time and the cost of engineering project, we used numerical analysis programs simulated experiment statement for finding mechanical characteristic of rock material. In this study used Particle Flow Code in 3 dimensions PFC3D for knowing and providing the correlation of microstructural and mesoscale mechanism parameters, first used different particle radius build a mesh and discussed the model consist of geometry and particle bonded separately, at last we used the experimental design to correlate microstructural and mesoscale Mechanism Parameters. The result of this study indicated that the correlation of microstructural and mesoscale mechanism parameters can be analysis efficiently by experimental design.


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