  • 學位論文


The Study of Environmental Analysis Using BIM Technology for Building Project

指導教授 : 林利國
共同指導教授 : 林祐正(Yu-Cheng Lin)


自1980年代起,臺灣的經濟起飛,國民所得提高,帶動國民消費力升高與教育水準的提升,再加上產業之規模逐步擴大與複雜化,使得建築物之規劃設計與地理環境間之關係日益受到重視,牽動了營建相關產業日漸重視建築物性能與舒適度之規劃,在政府工程建設與民眾生活品質需求之雙重趨勢走向下,在規劃設計階段之環境分析已成為值得研究的議題之一。 建築環境問題在國內有日益增多的趨勢,係因為目前設計人員於前期環境分析階段時,僅運用經驗法則或者紙本計算等處理方式,不但存在著視覺化偏差、人員經驗不足等問題,且容易造成重工的現象發生,於展示三維概念亦有其一定限制,與後續階段連動性較弱。近年來隨著建築資訊模型的快速發展,不僅能夠以3D立體呈現輔助檢核成果,並且能應用於工程全生命週期等多項功能。 本研究先透過專家訪談歸納建築環境問題,並應用BIM技術導入環境分析檢討,對營建標的基地環境進行日照、輻射、氣流與眩光檢核,將分析結果以立體方式呈現,並產出相關報表提供設計單位檢核,提供即時化直觀檢討,以降低後續發生變更設計機率,並比較傳統分析模式,探討其模式之差異性。


Taiwan's economy is gradually taking off Since the 1980s. It let the planning design of the building relationship and geographic environment receives more attention. Under the trend of government construction projects and the quality of life of people, environmental analysis has become a worth studying topic. Building environmental issues is on the increase in Taiwan. Because the current designers usually use rules of thumb or paper computing approach. Not only have the existence of visual bias, but also likely cause the occurrence of repetitive tasks. Showing a three-dimensional concept also has its limitations. In recent years, building information modeling has been developed quickly. Not only can assist to user with the 3D modeling check results, but also can be applied to the project life cycle and many other features. The study concludes the important building environment issues through expert interviews, and applying to BIM technology into environmental analysis. The result of this study establishes a BIM environmental analysis check mode including the usage of sunshine, radiation, air and glare.


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