  • 學位論文

後PC時代機構件能力的建置與策略發展 –以華碩公司為例

Setting up and Strategy Development of Mechanical ability in post PC Age – Take ASUSTek Computer Company as an Example.

指導教授 : 陸元平


臺灣資訊產業在世界價值鏈中所具備的優勢是專注在生產製造上;臺灣所擁有的製造實力不僅是本身具有非常強韌的速度彈性與成本優勢,更是建立在其全球供應鏈上的關鍵位置,近年來由於大陸的改革開放成功,更釋放出大量相對低廉的土地與充沛人力資源,讓擅長用價格優勢征戰全球的臺灣製造產業,進一步吸取了巨大的能量與養分,從而更確立了其不可取代的位置與放眼世界的實力。 綜觀產業的發展趨勢;在後 PC 時代來臨,隨著整體的 PC 市場及技術發展已臻成熟階段。產業鏈各廠商均面對越來越艱辛的經營環境,為了進一步降低成本、提升競爭力及加強對客戶的服務,上下游垂直整合已經成為各企業間共同的解決方案之一。這些資訊產業大廠垂直整合的範圍、項目或許有一些差異,然而共通點卻是不約而同的將「以精密塑膠模具及精密沖壓模具為技術核心的機構件能力」,視為一個必要且轉變成公司競爭力的一個重要環節。各種跡象都顯示了一個事實:模具的重要性與日俱增,不可忽視,機構件在產業競爭中所扮演的角色越來越重要,畢竟當電子技術成熟到一定程度而只剩下幾個重要零件組合起來就算是完成品時,那就不是電子業,而是機械業了。 本研究採用個案研究之方式,嘗試從國內外模具發展歷程、供應鏈理論及競爭優勢相關理論來探討個案公司從主機板起家之後,多角化經營成功跨入筆記型電腦、行動電話、系統組裝等等領域,核心能力為電子方面的研發設計與品牌創新。但在開放式垂直整合的大原則下,發展機構件能力面臨到哪些根本上的問題?其解決之道與未來策略發展又應如何規劃?才能在瞬息萬變的市場環境中從機構件的追趕者一躍成為領先者,繼續保有其競爭優勢再創另一次經營傳奇。


The advantage of Taiwan IT industry in world value chain is that it focuses on manufacture field. The manufacture ability of Taiwan not only owns powerful speed and cost advantage. But also build in the key position of world supply chain. Further due to the success of Mainland China’s reformation and open policy. It releases a lot of cheap ground and human resources. Which makes Taiwan IT industry, which is good at using cost advantage to conquer the world, resort huge energy and power, therefore it sets its firm position and capability in the world. The development trend of IT industry;when it is near the end of PC Age, with the whole PC market and technology has stepped in mature situation. Which pushes manufacturers in the more difficult operate environment. In order to reduce cost, improve competitiveness and increase customer service. Vertical integration has become one of common solutions among manufacturers. There are some difference among the vertical integration scope and items of manufacturers. However, they all treat precision mold and precision stamping of mechanical ability as important core competitiveness. A variety of condition indicates such a fact:mold and stamping are becoming more and more important, so as the role of mechanical ability in industry. When electronic technology has become mature, mechanical ability becomes more important than electric ability. This research takes way of case study to try to understand from history of Domestic and abroad mold development, supply chain theory and competitive advantage theory to explore how the case company successful went into business area such as notebook mobile phone and system assembly from Motherboard. The core ability is electrical design and brand innovation. Under the way of open style, what problem does it face to follow vertical integration? And how to plan the solution and future strategy development?It can become a leader among competitors in the variation market environment and keep on advantage to create another miracle.


﹝2﹞Sunil Chopra、Peter Meindl,Supply Chain Management—Strategy, Planning, and
﹝3﹞Michael E. Porter,Competitive Advantage—Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance,Free Press,New York,1985。
﹝6﹞Donald R. Cooper & Pamela S. Schindler,Business Research Methods, 8e,McGraw-Hill,2003。
South-Western ,Thomson,2004。
