  • 學位論文


The Analyses of Ambient Vibrations Generated by a Treadmill on the Floor

指導教授 : 黎文龍


基於都市之開發,將會有越來越多的運動機械進入家庭,而其中又以跑步機佔多數,本研究之目的旨在針對置於建築物樓板上之跑步機之振動對環境所帶來之影響,研究中透過文獻的收集、專利分析與討論,探討現代跑步機使用上的優缺、差異、傷害及其相關樓板微振動之研究做為振動評估;再以CAE有限元素分析法找出跑步機之自然模態,分析其對於跑步運動所帶來之影響,最後再以實測的方式,由時域、頻域兩方面做為訊號分析的主要來源,並實際探討跑步機運動於背景振動、空轉及加入不同體重受測者、隔振墊下之樓板振動情況。經本研究之分析及實測後,可得以下結論:(1)由CAE之分析顯示,本研究的跑步機若不考慮安全扶手等附件,其主要結構之最低自然頻率約在21 Hz,與跑帶各速度下之步頻2~3 Hz差異太大,故跑步機無共振、產生更大振、噪之虞;(2)跑步機對於樓板之振動,可簡化成探討垂直z方向之振動,而其主要的振源是來自馬達所帶動之跑帶與其傳動機構。 本研究中另再考慮市面容易取得之兩緩衝材料來做為跑步機之隔振墊,包括人工草皮及巧拚等,巧拚在跑步之情況有最佳之隔振效果,但跑步機也易產生低頻之晃動,對跑者腳步易造成傷害;人工草皮材料幾無隔振效果。另外,由頻域分析之實驗結果顯示,在跑步過程中,跑速較快者,較容易對樓板產生振動影響,然而體重較重之受測者,未必比較輕者為嚴重,受測之跑步方式也是另一項影響因子。


跑步機 樓板振動 步頻分析


Evolving with the city development, more and more families that reside in tower buildings may adopt in-house sport machinery. According the recent survey, the majority of family prefers to the treadmills. However, a treadmill on the floor of the up-stair family can be a disaster of the down-stair since the noise and vibrations. The main purposes of this study are to analyze the influence factors of such a treadmill through reviewing patents and commercial products. In addition, the CAE tool has been utilized to compute the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the sample treadmill. Meanwhile, in order to clarify the interactions between the treadmill and building floor dynamics, experimental measurements have been carried out. The results concluded: (1) the lowest natural frequency of a treadmill locates at ca. 21 Hz which is much higher than the pace tempo (ca. 2 ~ 3 Hz) of a normal jogger. Or, there exists no possibility of resonance that generates much louder sound waves while using the treadmill. And (2) the floor vibrations created by a treadmill can be simplified to unidirectional ones which is at z-axis or the vertical direction. In addition, the major sources of vibration may be the motor and its transmission mechanisms of the treadmill. All others may be neglected. In addition to the aforementioned results, two commercial isolating pads of different materials have been tested in the present research. They are artificial sward and foam mat. The latter has the best isolation effects in accordance with the measured data. However, it has been also found that the treadmill may sway with low frequency. The situation can be harmful to the users of the treadmill. On the other hand, the artificial sward hardly has isolation effects. The present research would not recommend this material as isolation pads. Lastly, it has been also noticed that the heavier body weight users may not generate higher vibration signals. It seems to the author that the way or the contact pattern of the jogging may be another important factor as well.


treadmills floor vibration pace tempo


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