  • 學位論文


Study on monitoring of debris flow by using a laser scanner system

指導教授 : 陳彥璋 張守陽


本研究研發適於短距離監測之雷射掃瞄系統,利用此系統擷取空間資訊並進行三維成像掃瞄,繼而進行土砂災害現場監測之模擬,分析情境與驗證系統之可行性。 系統建構後,先行測試其精度與穩定性,各軸量測結果誤差可在±1.5mm以下。由於本系統具較高的量測精度,於模擬土石災害應用上,可藉此特點針對特定物進行三維微動量監測。在本研究條件下,模擬土石巨礫三維微動量監測之平均誤差可小於±3mm。本系統具有微動追蹤之功能設計,若反射片移動幅度大於系統設定偵測之位移範圍時,利用反射片與背景之回波強度差異,可判釋為特定土石已發生較大規模位移。其它監測之應用,本系統可提供三維攝影測量控制點及其座標,以校正攝影測量三維空間之外部參數。本系統可監測模擬隧道形變量,先於室內擷取拱面變化前後之三維座標,再將此形變過程差異繪出點雲圖形,可瞭解其整體內拱面之形變狀況。 研究結果顯示本研究自行研發之雷射掃描系統,可針對不同災害監測需求進行特定設計。本系統操作簡易,且具有攜帶移動(Portable)之功能,希冀可應用於不同三維空間的監測與分析。


雷射掃瞄系統 監測 微動量 變形量 點雲


The laser scanning system for short range is developed to generate 3-D images and extract the information from them. The monitoring of the disaster areas is simulated. Many scenarios are analyzed and the performance of laser scanning system is evaluated. The precision of the laser scanning system is firstly evaluated. The measure error at each axis is below ±1.5 mm. The scanning system with high measure precision can be used to monitor the tiny movements for specific objects at any direction. The average of measure error for tiny movement is below ±3mm. The scanning system can be also used to trace the locations of moving targets. Using the intensity change of laser echo, when the targets moved out of the predefined regions, that the specific rocks observed have a huge movement can be inferred. The system can provide 3D photographic measurement and control point coordinates for other monitoring application, Correction for Photogrammetry 3D space external parameters. The system can simulate variable-shaped tunnel that capture arch changes before and after the 3D coordinates indoor, Deformation again this difference is charted point cloud graphics, we can understand the overall arch within their spheres of deformation conditions. The scanning system we developed can meet the requirement for the different types of disasters. The system with merits of simple operation and portable can be used to monitor the various disasters via its stereo images.


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