  • 學位論文


A Simulation–Optimization Approach for Energy Efficiency of Chilled Water System

指導教授 : 李魁鵬


空調系統在選定以後,若要節能,方法之一是能夠讓整個系統操作在最節能的設定條件之下,以這樣的精神理念為基礎,本論文結合建築能源模擬程式與最佳化演算法,來尋求一實際辦公大樓的冰水系統之最佳節能操作設定。EnergyPlus是一套很有彈性且預測準確度高的建築能源模擬程式,因此本研究採用此程式建立此冰水系統模型。為了尋求冰水系統的冰水與冷卻水供應溫度設定值最佳解,本研究採用粒子群最佳化演算法、虎克吉夫斯演算法、兩演算法結合之演算法來求解並獲得最佳設定點建議值。最佳化時間選擇夏季與冬季各一週之上班時間。為了讓冰水系統模型在不同操作設定能夠準確預測其耗能量,本研究亦對此段時間進行模型驗證,以期得到較精準之最佳化結果。最佳化結果顯示,最佳化設定相較於傳統設定的冰水系統總耗能量,在夏天一週與冬天一週分別可節能9.5%與10.7%。另針對此冰水系統進行全年最佳化評估,約可節能6%,達39,230.1 kWh之節能量,若以每度電約新台幣3元計算,約可省下12萬元新台幣。


This study combines an energy simulation program with an optimization algorithm to identify the optimal settings and minimize the energy consumption of chilled water system. This study employed EnergyPlus, a flexible and highly accurate energy simulation program, to construct the model. To determine the optimal temperature settings for chilled and cooled water for chilled water system, this model used particle swarm optimization algorithm, Hooke-Jeeves algorithm and a hybrid optimization algorithm that combines the particle swarm optimization algorithm and the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm. We selected one week in summer and one week in winter to conduct the optimization. The results indicated that the optimized settings reduced the total energy consumed by the chilled water system by 9.5% in summer and 10.7% in winter compared to conventional settings. Additionally, the optimization can save about 6% energy a year.


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