  • 學位論文


The Business Model of cosmetic brand for specialty store

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


人類自古以來追求「美」的藝術從不間斷,近年來使得化妝品產業得以百家爭鳴,造就現今歐、美,日等各國化粧品數百億美元之超級產業。然而人類對於美的需求卻永無止盡,創造流行更是產業趨勢的前提,若能夠把流行趨勢掌握,預測未來,投注消費者喜好,對其經營模式絕對是一大助益。故本研究欲探討專櫃通路之經營策略方法,藉由消費者之服務導向來創造品牌價值,並且藉由計劃行為理論來推論專櫃品牌經營模式是否會造成不同之差異。 本研究採一般大眾為受試對象,問卷設計採用消費者心理層面及外在層面兩種不同情境,分別針對個人擁有態度、他人影響性和服務可掌握性等三大部分,為問卷之主要內容進行樣本收集。再透實體問卷之發放,總計發出510份問卷,回收問卷432份並扣除無效問卷,共得有效問卷388份,整體問卷回收率達76%。 研究結果顯示,心理及外在層面影響最大,再透過產品知識可及性、產品使用舒適性、和產品選擇多元性來和年齡、地區、職業和教育程度以及收入來相互交叉比較。進而推論能夠成功經營專櫃通路之化妝品品牌取決於產品本身品質、價格、銷售人員之服務態度及品牌知名度等等因素,藉以讓企業經營有可參考之依據。另外專櫃化妝品在經營策略上當然還有其他之因素,如櫃檯設計、專櫃美容師訓練等等因素,可再進一步再去做研究。


The age-old pursuit of "beauty" of art from the non-stop in recent years, the cosmetics industry to be contending, creating today's Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries billions of dollars of super cosmetics industry. However, the needs of human beings but for the United States and the endless, create a popular industry trend is the premise, if able to grasp the trend, predict the future, betting on consumer preferences, their business model is definitely a big help. The purpose of this study was to investigate the counter channel operation strategy, by means of service-oriented consumers to create brand value, and by inference theory of planned behavior to counter the brand will result in a different business model differences. This study used the general public as subjects, questionnaire design and external use of the psychological aspects of consumers in two different contexts, respectively, for individuals with attitude, and service to others can affect the control of three parts, for the questionnaire of the main content the sample collection. Through entities issuing the questionnaire again, a total of 510 questionnaires sent, 432 questionnaires and the deduction of invalid questionnaires, a total of 388 valid questionnaires, the overall response rate was 76%. The results showed that the greatest impact of psychological and external levels, and through product knowledge, availability, product comfort, and product choice and diversity to age, region, occupation and education, and income from mutual cross-comparison. Successful operation of counter inference can then access the cosmetic brand depends on the product itself, quality, price, sales personnel attitude and brand recognition, among other factors, to refer to a business basis. Another cosmetic counters in the business strategy of course there are other factors, such as counter design, beautician training, among other factors counters can then do further research.


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