  • 學位論文


Building a Cost Estimation of Plastic Injection Products and Value Analyze System for Concept Products by Feature-Based Models

指導教授 : 王河星


塑膠射出產品已廣泛地應用於各項日常生活中必需品及高科技商品。然而在現今激烈的競爭環境下,從事塑膠射出產品生產之企業為具優異的競爭力勢必著力於縮短新產品的開發時間,於其他競爭者之前將新產品引入市場,以滿足客戶需求。如此,不僅可快速地佔有廣大的目標市場,亦可具有引導價格的優點。目標成本途徑是一種在新塑膠射出產品開發過程中能有效降低與控制成本的創新程序。而特徵式模型(Feature-Based Models)架構則是目前研發工程師普遍地應用於表現新產品概念的3D建構工具。因此,本研究將結合特徵式模型及目標成本以建構新塑膠射出產品成本評估模式,並開發產品雛型設計決策支援系統,以有效地協助設計/工程師提昇概念評估決策品質與縮短新產品開發時間。 本研究首先將利用特徵式模型結合類神經網路建構塑膠射出成形件之新產品概念成本估價程序,並配合目標成本途徑以發展結合產品功能及價值的產品結構成本之估算模式,使新產品的概念評估既能符合市場/客戶的需求,亦可達成企業獲利的目標。最後將完成以產品為主軸的各類成本屬性資料庫,作為決策支援系統的主要資料來源,進而開發具使用者介面之產品結構成本專家評估系統,以輔助決策人員快速且精確地獲得新產品之開發時間及成本資訊。


The major objective of concurrent engineering is to consider the related downstream manufacturing information during the design stage. Among those, estimating manufacturing cost during the early design stage is one area which has been drawn little attention by the researchers. However, if the product manufacturing cost can be estimated during the design stage, designers can modify a design to achieve proper function and reasonable cost in the early product development process. The purpose of research is utilizing the concept cost evaluation decision support system to assist designer to make a correct decision and shorten the time of the cycle of new product development. We will use the Feature-Based Models and neural network to construct the process of cost estimation about the new product of plastic injection parts. The first, the target costing is an innovative control system to minimize those costs that are determined in product development. And we will integrate target-costing process with Feature-Based models property in cost estimation during the early stage of concept development process. In this paper, we discuss to estimate the cost of the plastic injection parts by neural network. It is a system of profit planning and cost reduction that control costs before they incurred, is committed to continual improvement in product and process designs, is externally focused on customers and competition, and systematically relates complex web of value-chain and cross-function relationships into a cohesive and integrated planning and execution system. The last, we will construct a database that includes every kind of cost in order to become the major source of decision support system.


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