  • 學位論文


A study on「Green Buildings Chapter」of the building management system in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周鼎金


建築技術規則設計施工編中第十七章「綠建築專章」之設計規範, 其評估基準涉及之內容除主要構造外,亦包含了材料及設備等內容之特性,在建築管理制度實務上,有難以落實的問題;此外,國內之建造執照申請案變更設計頻繁,變更設計內容涉及「綠建築專章」時,建築師即須重新檢討,不僅造成建築師之負擔,亦造成行政機關人力、資源及費用之浪費。鑑於「綠建築專章」在建築物之施工過程中,大部分屬後續工項之特性,為避免上述施工管理階段及使用管理階段難以落實及變更設計重覆檢討之情形,經由相關法令及文獻之調查,瞭解現行綠建築之管理制度狀況;並採專家訪談及採取問卷調查方法作為參考依據,分析「綠建築專章」管理制度執行現況,並發現是否有難以落實之處,並提出其改善對策。 經由上述之探討及分析後獲致成果如下: (一)建築管理制度觀念已逐漸加入環境保護與生態永續等層面,爾後建築主管機關於增修相關法令時,應予考量生態等層面。 (二)「綠建築專章」各項檢討內容,在施工過程中,應依工程性質以分階段辦理檢討,相關內容經審查通過後,再據以施工及勘驗。 (三)「綠建築專章」所規範之內容,大部分未涉及建築法所稱之主要構造,係其難以落實建築管理之主要因素,為落實到建築物之完成及未來之使用,應就對該專章之特性,建立完整之建築管理制度,並予以法制化。 (四)建築管理是必須由政府、建築業界及民眾共同經營,故應建立公寓大廈使用人對建築物維護使用觀念。 (五)「綠建築專章」在後續施工及使用管理階段仍缺乏追蹤之機制,應建立民間專業團體(NGO非政府組織)代為審查及執行後續之施工及使用管理,建立民間專業團體代為審查及管理制度。


綠建築 管理制度 主要構造


In Chapter 17, Green Building Chapter, of Building Technology Rules Design Construction, the evaluation standard involves, in addition to major structure, characteristics of materials and equipment. It is difficult to put them into practice in building management system. Moreover, changes of domestic construction licenses are frequent. If Green Building Chapter is involved, architects also have to review. This not only causes burden on architects but also wastes manpower, resources and cost of administrative institutes. As Green Building Chapter mainly refers to the ensuing work in construction of buildings, to avoid the preceding difficulty of putting into practice in construction and management and repeated reviews on design, from investigation on laws & regulations and literature, the researcher understands current green building management system. The researcher adopts expert interviews and questionnaires for reference foundation to analyze current condition of Green Building Chapter management system to discover the difficulties for implementation for corrective suggestions. The findings are: (1) Green building management concept is now added into the environmental protection and ecology sustainability. In the future, when revising relevant laws and regulations, the competent authority shall take ecology into consideration. (2) Details of Green Building Chapter shall be reviewed in stages in accordance with construction nature. After approval of the details, construction and inspection shall be conducted accordingly. (3) Most of details of Green Building Chapter do not involve the major structure stipulated in Building Act, which is the main reason causing difficulty of implementing building management. To make it implemented in completion and future use of buildings, complete management system of building based for the nature of the chapter shall be made and legalized. (4) Building management shall be run by the government, construction industry and the public. Concept of use to maintain buildings by users of condominiums shall be established. (5) Tracing mechanism in Green Building Chapter on ensuing construction and use management is still lacked. NGO (non government organization) shall be established for review or conduct ensuing construction and use management to establish a system of review and management system by private sector.


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廖富英(2012)。都市更新綠建築容積獎勵制度之研究 ─以台北都會區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00287
