  • 學位論文


Design and Applications of Combining with Wireless Sensor Network and Mobile Communication Network

指導教授 : 龍仁光


新興技術802.15.4/ZigBee崛起迅速,主要應用於數位家庭控制、安全監控、高耗能設備管理、物流追蹤與居家照護等工業及家庭自動化控制領域。當ZigBee廣泛應用之後,如何透過網際網路進行遠端管理,及控制無線感測網路中的各種裝置,即成為重要的課題。GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)整合封包無線服務是運用封包交換 (Packet Switching) 的處理技術,透過現有的GSM行動通訊系統提供數據傳輸的服務,針對需要大量傳輸資料的狀況而設計,適合本研究中需要永久連線且點對點雙向即時通訊的監測應用。 本論文的目的在於結合行動通訊網路與無線感測網路應用於即時監測系統,藉由無線感測網路的特性作為區域網路收集監測資料,再利用行動通訊網路連結至網際網路,將監測資料傳遞至遠端網路的資料庫中。本論文之內容包括實現結合無線感測網路與行動通訊網路之無線傳輸功能、整合無線感測節點與感應馬達控制系統之和工業電表之通訊與狀態監測,最後對於實測GPRS-ZigBee無線傳輸之相關參數,如功耗、穩定度和傳輸功率測試等。經測試結果,本系統可長時間、穩定的傳送負載資訊至遠端網路之監控端中,且封包傳達的成功率可達98%以上,證實系統傳輸的可靠度,適合應用於長時間的監測。


ZigBee is a new Wireless sensor networks technology with short-range, low speed, low power consumption, and low cost characteristics and now is used in many industrial and civilian application areas, including industrial process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring, healthcare applications, home automation etc. GPRS is a packet oriented mobile data service into GSM network and provides a convenient way to access internet via traditional circuit switching. The advantages of GPRS service as follows: 1. "Always on" internet access, 2. Wide covered range, 3. High transmission rate, 4. Billing is based on flow, etc. The purpose of this paper is to improve the wireless connection which combing ZigBee and GPRS technology to provide a simple way to establish a wireless connection between real time remote device and measurable application. The network architecture of combing GPRS and ZigBee technology makes GPRS as wide area data transmission and ZigBee as a local area data transmission. This thesis applies GPRS-ZigBee wireless communication for motor system controlling and power meter reading. To integrate ZigBee module and load or GPRS module, the most important steps are the connection between the two hardware devices and the data request commands for load or GPRS. This type of wireless communication is also can be used in many kind of monitor applications. After confirming through the experiment, the operation of GPRS-ZigBee network is stable and the percentage of data deliver successfully is 98%.


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[9] 無線感測器網路之研製並應用於工廠馬達監測,陳俊錩,國立台北科技大學電腦與通訊研究所碩士學位論文,民國95年7月。
[13] 無線感測器網路應用於橋樑結構健康監測,傅建豪,國立台北科技大學電腦與通訊研究所,民國96年6月。
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