  • 學位論文


A Study of Design Knowledge Construction Based on Product Components

指導教授 : 黃銘智


在知識經濟的時代,將產品開發的經驗與技術,轉化為可保存、再利用的知識,可有效提升產業競爭力。然而,設計經驗往往存於設計師的「個人心智」,是屬於內隱知識,必需建立系統化方法,才能將知識外顯化與應用。一般產品開發程序(特別是消費性電子產品)是依據產品規格,選擇適用的元件,進行空間配置規劃,然後設計產品造形與細部結構。因此元件可被視為產品開發的基礎。據此,本研究提出ㄧ套設計知識儲存與再利用模式,在CAD環境下將設計知識附加於元件的CAD資料內。在設計過程中,可經由元件的配置規劃,將相關的設計知識導入於新產品,減少許多的試誤(Trial and Error)的過程。在研究中,以元件為基礎,建構CAD模型,並從舊有設計個案中,擷取與其相關的設計知識,轉換成幾何型態的設計特徵,附加於元件的CAD模型。一旦設計師選擇了適用的元件,將該元件模型配置在新產品的CAD模型,附於其上的設計特徵便可自動轉置到產品模型,完成設計。另外,設計特徵是以參數定義幾何形狀,透過參數控制,可進行必要的修改與調整,使設計知識的應用更具彈性。研究中將設計特徵分為三類,相對於元件在新產品中的配置,「附加型特徵」表示產品設計模型必須衍生的區域;「移除型特徵」表示產品設計模型必須移除的區域;以及「空間限制型特徵」代表設計中必須預留的限制空間。研究中,透過實際案例,證實研究所提以設計特徵型態儲存於CAD系統,確實可具體實踐設計知識的保存與再利用,有效提升產品設計的效率;經由產品開發循環,設計知識不斷累積,將可形成設計知識庫,實現知識分享。


In the era of knowledge economy, converting the experiences and technologies of product development into preservable and reusable knowledge can increase the worldwide competitive advantage of an enterprise. However, the design experiences in the mental models of designers are tacit knowledge, which can become explicit knowledge for further applications through systematic methods. The procedure of product development usually starts from determining suitable components that will carry into the product to realize the product function, according to the specification of it. And then, the shape of the product will be designed based on the component placement. Therefore, the components and their placement of the product are the key element of product development. In this research, an approach has been developed to extract the design knowledge from designers’ experience. By the proposed approach, design features can be created in the model of the component with the CAD environment. While design project proceeds, the design feature will be transferred into the relative part of the product automatically. And the geometry of design feature can be modified more flexibly and easily. The design features can be divided into three types: ”Additional feature” is to add material to the part of the product; ”Removed feature” is the removed area from the part; ”Space-limited feature” means to keep an empty space for assembly or product operation space. A practical design project has been implemented to demonstrate the usefulness and effectives of the proposed method. A database will be built and shared with the others, while the design knowledge will be accumulated constantly through product development cycles.


CAD Design Knowledge Design Feature Component


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