  • 學位論文


A Study on Removal of Water-Soluble Chloride from Incinerator Bottom Ash

指導教授 : 鄭大偉


由於台灣地區地狹人稠,廢棄物處理方式漸由焚化處理取代掩埋處置,而在焚化過程中產生底渣及飛灰。根據環保署統計,2010年焚化廠所產出之焚化灰渣共有127.5萬公噸,其中底渣就佔98萬公噸。焚化底渣之資源化係一必要之途徑,而環保署亦積極推動底渣再利用計畫。 截至2010年,底渣之再利用率已達81.5%,其再利用產品分成三種類型,目前多為第二及第三類型之產品,因焚化底渣經前處理之後,水溶性氯離子含量依然高於規範標準(<0.024 wt.%)而無法用於鋼筋混凝土工程取代砂石,此為底渣再利用之限制主因。因此本研究採用省水之擦洗方法,去除焚化底渣中之水溶性氯離子,進而達成第一類型產品之使用規範(水溶性氯離子含量<0.024 wt.%)。擦洗為選礦工程常用之方法,藉由礦粒間之碰撞作用,其可分離附著於表面之雜質、黏土塊、氧化物薄膜等,而本研究所使用之底渣為底渣分選廠之細粒料產品。 研究結果顯示,以模廠級擦洗機進行批次系列擦洗,可將底渣中之水溶性氯離子含量降至0.018 wt.%,能達規範標準。此外,擦洗處理之用水量皆較以往底渣水洗除氯之文獻為少,較能節省成本。而將擦洗後之底渣灌製成水泥砂漿,養護齡期為28天,其水溶性氯離子含量介於0.03 kg/m3~0.06 kg/m3,符合CNS 3090-預拌混凝土規範中,預力混凝土及鋼筋混凝土之水溶性氯離子含量限制(<0.15 kg/m3及<0.3 kg/m3),由此可知經擦洗處理後之底渣極具資源化之潛力。


Bottom ash is the main waste from municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI). Because the properties of bottom ash are similar to the natural aggregates, it can be reused as the raw material for reinforced concrete. However, bottom ash contains large amount of water-soluble chloride which causes corrosion on steel bar of reinforced concrete and thus reduce the strength. To achieve the official announcement by Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan, the quality standard regulation of water-soluble chloride content in bottom ash should down to 0.024% (w/w). In this study, only small amount of water was needed to remove the water-soluble chloride on bottom ash surface, a high solid/water ratio attrition scrubbing method followed with water-washing was used. After 60-min soaking and attrition scrubbing with the L/S ratio of 0.45 for 4 minutes after by scrubbing at L/S ratio 1.4 for 6 minutes, the containing of water-soluble chloride in bottom ash can reach 0.018 wt.%. Besides, the water–soluble chloride content in washed SBA based mortars that could achieving the required level by CNS 3090 standard method. It has good potential for treatment of SBA and used as reinforced concrete application.


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