  • 學位論文


GPU-Acceleration of Multisource Data Fusion for Image Classification Using Nearest Feature Space Approach

指導教授 : 張陽郎 方志鵬


災害發生後往往導致交通中斷,以致於勘查人員無法至現場勘災,造成無法及時獲得災區資訊,近年來遙測技術進步,藉由衛星遙測影像處理進行災情判斷的相關技術也已逐漸成熟。本論文提出最鄰近特徵空間(Nearest Feature Space, NFS)演算法,是以分類多源遙測資料融合影像為目的的監督式演算法, NFS演算法具有可保留訓練樣本類別群聚關係,透過計算測試樣本至訓練樣本特徵面的最短距離,以提升辨識效果。然而,多源遙測資料融合影像資料量龐大,若以一般電腦運算需要花費相當龐大的時間,因此本論文以訓練樣本為基底,透過統一計算架構(Compute Unified Device Architecture, CUDA) 實現NFS演算法的平行化,將不同的訓練樣本特徵空間的運算指定到各個計算核心,配合記憶體配置來減少主機與GPU資料傳輸延遲,可大幅提升NFS演算法的運算速度,並保留NFS演算法高正確率的特性。 由實驗結果證明,本論文提出的方法對於多源遙測資料融合影像可以快速且有效的獲得高分類正確率。


The disaster damage investigations and scale estimates can provide critical information for follow-up disaster relief responses and interactions. Recently, with the advance of satellite and image processing technology, remote sensing imaging becomes a mature and feasible technique for disaster interpretation. In this paper a nearest feature space (NFS) approach is proposed for the purpose of landslide hazard assessment using multisource images. In the past NFS was applied to hyperspectral image classification. The NFS algorithm keeps the original structure of training samples and calculates the nearest distance between test samples and training samples in the feature space. However, when the number of training samples is large, the computational loads of NFS is high. A parallel version of NFS algorithm based on graphics processing units (GPUs) is proposed to overcome this drawback. The proposed method based on the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model is applied to implement the high performance computing of NFS. The experimental results demonstrate that the NFS approach is effective for land cover classification in the field of Earth remote sensing.


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