  • 學位論文


Using Heuristic Structure Theory to Study the Consent Privilege Exercising Behavior Pattern of the Metropolis Renewal Obligees

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


都市更新條例規定:依劃定都更單元權利關係人,階段行使都更同意權,以取得階段同意書比例門檻,辦理、實施都市更新事業,落實劃定單元公共利益;因事業行多數決實施及在政、經首長政策利多配合下,都市更新演然形成北部都會區土地開發主流。依北市都更處調查結果發現,權利關係人對都更行為上普遍存有「三不」疑慮,依序為:1.對開發業者的「不信任」,2.對個別住戶協議條件的「不透明」,3.投資者對於權益的「不確定」;因此「三不」疑慮左右同意權行為行使,並延遲取得同意權門檻時間,增長都市更新案開發時程。 本研究擬針對自行申請劃設之都更協議合建案例,以取得同意權之溝通過程探悉權利關係人行為疑慮為研究內涵、並以誘導式結構理論為研究方法,探討權利人行使同意權之行為模式。研究結論期能減少都更紛爭與縮短開發時程,並供日後相關案例之參考。


The Urban Renewal Act stipulates: The defined rights and related, according to delimiting division, can exercises the approval power in stage; The rights and related can obtain letter of consent beyond a proportional threshold in order to handle and implement the urban renewal project, and to enforce the public interest in the delimiting division. Because the endeavor is mostly based on majority decision and, under the promotion of governmental officers, it has become the mainstream for land development in the Northern metropolis area. The Taipei Metropolis Renewal Bureau survey revealed that the rights and related generally have “three NOs” anxiety toward the renewal project. There are: 1. Trust for developers “does not exist”, 2. condition for each individual resident agreement “is not transparent”, 3. rights for investing sponsor “is indefinite”; Therefore, anxiety on “three Nos” does interfere the exercise of approval power behavior. This will retard the acquisition for the needed approval power threshold, and delay the urban renewal development. This research will focus on the renewal cases submitted on voluntarily basis. The main interest is to explore the behavior anxiety for the rights and related in the process of acquiring letters of consent. The heuristic structure theory will be applied to study the behavior pattern for exercising consent privilege of the rights and related. The research findings not only will help reduce the dispute and shorten the development time but also provide cases for future reference.


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