  • 學位論文


Constructing an Information Portal with a Content Management System

指導教授 : 陳英一


隨著網路的發展,數位化網路內容成為主要的資訊傳播媒介之一。為了促使大量的資訊能迅速傳遞給消費者,各種電子商務之應用,皆圍繞在內容的採集、儲存、創建、發佈、檢索…等內容服務上,如此龐大且多樣化的網站內容,在管理上需耗費極大的成本。本研究的主要目的在於探討內容網站(Information Portal)中如何導入網站內容管理系統(Web CMS),以針對大量的資料進行管理之方法。首先分析內容網站之資訊流動模式,以整理出內容網站之基本元素與架構,接著指出過去內容網站之內容管理方式,所耗費之成本,最後導入CMS平台,提出一內容網站建置之方法,並輔以實例,說明以CMS平台建構內容網站所產生之效益。研究的成果,可提供各產業之內容網站一套建置方法之參考。 具體來說,本論文之研究目的可歸納為以下兩點: 1. 系統化的分析內容網站之基本架構與運作模式。 2. 導入CMS平台,提出一套內容網站建構方法。


With the development of networks, the Internet has become a major medium of obtaining information. In order to communicate a large quantity of information to customers quickly, a variety of e-commerce applications are dealing with content services like content collecting, content storage, content creation, content publishing, content retrieval. To manage such a large and diverse web content would entail significant cost. The major purpose of this research is to discuss how to construct an Information Portal with a Web Content Management System. First, this thesis discusses general requirements and functions of information portals. Second, it seeks to analyze the cost of constructing an information portal in the past. Finally, the thesis seeks to provide a rule using in the construction of information portals with a CMS platform. It is hoped that this thesis will serve as the groundwork for future research into the various uses and applications of constructing information portals within both industrial and academic realms.


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