  • 學位論文


Energy Saving Study on Variable Primary Flow System in Air Conditioning System

指導教授 : 柯明村


國際能源價格日益升高,各國間對於能源的有效利用與如何降低能源消耗量都不餘遺力;尤其對於其所產生CO2的問題,已成為國際關切的課題。根據京都議定說之內容,規定工業化國家到2008年至2012年之間,全部溫室氣體排放量與1990年相比至少削減5%,所以節省能源就成為全民運動。 本文是探討在歐美日早已盛行多年之空調系統—一次變水量系統(VPF, variable primary flow),其與傳統一次定水量系統(POS,primary only system)、一次定水量/二次變水量系統在(P-S,primary-secondary system)(又稱為de-couple系統)在能源消耗量之不同;再者,進一步探討組成一次變水量系統的主要設備— 如冰水主機、泵浦、變頻器及控制系統等需注意選用的事項,以期能達到更省能源、更省電之狀態,為防止全球暖化、溫室氣體排放盡一點心力。 藉由真實案例比較,以精密儀器量測溫度、流體溫度、流量及電力,在夏季(八、九、十月)量測耗功、冰水流量及揚程,與一次定水量系統和一次定水量/二次變水量系統比較其耗功,得到預期的結果。為以後的業主、空調設計師,提供更好的選擇,也為地球的環境盡力。


The international energy price elevates day by day. How between the various countries with reduces energy consumption all not regarding strength to the energy effective use. Especially regarding it has the CO2 question. The topic has become the international concern course. Discussion content of the final conclusion according to Kyoto’s agreement. The between of stipulation industrialized country from 2008 to 2012. The complete greenhouse gas withdrawal compared with 1990 at least reduces 5%, therefore saved the energy to become all the people’s movement. The article is discussion of vogue in the European and American recent day many years in air-conditioning system —variable primary flow system (VPF), compared with the primary only system (POS) and primary-secondary/de-couplesystem(P-S) in the power consumption, further discusses composes of which the VPF system .The main equipment — like chiller, pump, variable frequency driver, control system and so on, must pay attention to selected. By the time can achieve saves the energy and condition of the electricity power. In order to prevent the whole world is warm and the greenhouse gas discharges a mental effort. Affiliation by the real case comparison, use the precise instrument to measured from the fluid temperature, the current capacity and the electric power. During the summer time from August to October. To measured power consumption , the chilled water current capacity and pump lifting. To compares with the primary only system and primary-secondary/de-couple system in the power consumption to obtains the anticipated result. For the future proprietor, the air conditioning designer, will provide a better choice also will make contribution for Earth's environment.


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