  • 學位論文


The Study of Building Brand Value From The 4R Marketing Strategy

指導教授 : 羅啟源


隨著全球網際網路使用人口逐漸增加,網際網路已逐漸成為現代人生活的一部份,使商業競爭從實體市場轉移至網路空間市場,而企業的品牌更是可透過網路產生無遠弗屆的影響,世界上有三分之ㄧ的上市公司都和品牌有關係,品牌也佔有公司50%的價值,在過去幾年中,就算經過亞洲金融風暴、伊拉克戰爭等,有品牌的公司較能度過風暴及危機,顯示品牌可提升企業價值,也可以讓企業穩定發展。 本研究將品牌價值以行銷4R(關係、反映、關聯與報償)理論為基礎,調查曾於Yahoo!奇摩購物中心,購買化妝品品牌的消費者為例。目的是了解在網際網路市場下,企業如何利用行銷4R理論打造其品牌價值的衡量。以4R理論調查消費者認知與感受,企業在經營其品牌價值作法上的實證研究,並藉以推廣4R理論在網際網路下打造品牌的應用價值,供相關學界及實務界之應用研究參考。 而本研究結果也顯示,行銷4R在網際網路中可作為品牌價值之代表性意涵,因此建議企業透過網際網路欲打造其品牌價值時,除了商品能夠符合消費者需求並帶來好的地位象徵外,為了與顧客建立良好關係,可經由簡化交易流程,降低顧客對於時間風險的感受,並保障交易安全性,建立健全的反映機制與溝通聯繫管道,在問題產生時有快速回應的補償措施,除了顧客能產生高度滿意、可靠性與強化再購意圖之外,企業亦能提升自身信譽,在有效率的服務之下,使消費者擁有美好的購物經驗,進而並加強顧客與品牌間的關聯性,滿足顧客與企業所期望的報償,達到雙贏的效果。


品牌價值 4R 網際網路


Internet has been necessary in our life due to the increasing usage of internet, and the main competition has swithced from real market to virtual market. The brands even influence extensively. One third of the market are related to brand and possess 50 percent value of the enterprise. In the past few years, even through financial storm and war of Iraq, the companies with brand had comparatively higher possibility to go through the crisis. It meant brand could progress the value of enterprise and make it develop steadily. In this study, brand value was represented by the basis of 4R (relationship, retrenchment, relevancy and reward). The objects were whoever had experienced cosmetic consuming of Yahoo shopping website. The goal was to realize how enterprises apply 4R theorem to measure the brand value under virtual market. By using 4R theorem to realize the perception and feeling of consumers, enterprises investigated the running of brand, and promoted the 4R theorem under internet to build brand value. What’s more, it could provide academic and practical area an meaningful reference. Furthermore, the study also showed that 4R theorem could represent brand value on internet. As a result, enterprises could not only make the product conform to the fulfillment as well as bringing status indication, for better relation with customers, but also ensure the transaction reliability by simplifying transaction procedure and reducing the feeling of time risk of customers to construct a stable responsiveness and contact system. The situation that having guick responsiveness of compensation not only brought high satisfaction, reliability and repurchase intention, but also enterprises could raise the reputation under the service with efficiency. With the great consuming experience, we still need to enhance the relation between customers and brands and to satisfy the compensation of customers and enterprises.


Brand Value 4R Internet


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謝佳璋(2016)。行銷策略塑造品牌價值之探討 -以台中L建設公司為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0301159
