  • 學位論文


Study on the Changes in the Traditional Settlement at Xiaxing Village, Kinmen County

指導教授 : 黃志弘


金門位於褔建省厦門島外之小島,自古即緊鄰大陸,人口大都自大陸遷移進來,傳統聚落形態自然延續自閩南傳統建築特色,近數十年來因金門受國共戰爭影響,形成封閉數十年,部份傳統聚落尚保存有原始特色。 本研究是選擇---「夏興村傳統聚落」,在宋朝(西元960-1279年)夏興村開基祖六郎公自晋江瓷頭陳卿村遷入金門,數傳後目前已達約三十世左右,由於又再分支金門、大陸、台灣、澎湖、新加坡等地,宗族人口已遍佈國內外各地。 本文主要由宋朝及元期間、明朝期間、清朝期間、民國以後(1912年)四個時期,探討聚落變遷、軍管時代、宗族分支等,及其他影響聚落空間結構等因素。


A small island just offshore Xiamen, Fujian, Kinmen has been close to China for a long time, and most of the populations are immigrants form the Mainland. Naturally, the settlements feature southern Fujian (Minnan) style of architecture. For the past decades, Kinmen has been closed to itself due to years of military conflicts between Taiwan and China, and some of the settlements on the island still remain the original looks. The traditional settlement – “Xiaxing Village” – is selected as the subject of the study. As early as in Sung Dynasty (960-1279 AD), the first settler and the founder of this village, Liu-Lang-Gong, came to Kinmen from his hometown, Chenqing Village, Citou, Jinjiang, and later his family had passed on for nearly 30 generations until now. The offspring had migrated to many places around the world, such as Kinmen, Mainland China, Taiwan, Penghu and as far as Singapore. Four stages in time, Sung and Yuan Dynasties, Ming Dynasty, Ching Dynasty and the time from the establishment of ROC till now, are proposed for the discussion of changes in the settlement, days of military administration, branching of the clan and other factors that have influences on the space structure of the settlement.


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