  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Operational Performance – A Case Study on the Migration of Printed Circuit Board Industry from Taiwan to Mainland China

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


由於經濟環境、人力成本的增加、原物料進口成本提高與台幣匯率升值等等內部與外部競爭因素的不斷惡化,成為了台灣製造業外移的推力。本文以台灣的印刷電路板產業為研究對象,觀察由90年代至今外移至大陸的現況。期望對將來有機會返鄉或至其他國家投資的台商能有所借鏡。 本研究以財務資料分析法來評估公司營運績效,以提供投資人與管理者一個判斷指標。本文以民國八十四年至民國一百零一年間上市上櫃共28家之印刷電路板公司為研究對象。使用Tobin’s Q財務資料分析法為企業營運績效評估之指標。以期瞭解台商赴大陸投資是否與企業營運績效有顯著關係。 主要實證結果發現: (1)投資時間七年內其績效較佳。(2)且投資華東地區優於其他地區。(3)投資金額比重為30-40%時,營運績效表現會優於整體產業且最佳。


As the internal and external competitive factors deteriorating, economic environment, the increase of labor costs, raw materials costs, Taiwan dollor exchange rate, they push Taiwan's manufacturing to relocate. In this paper, we take the printed circuit board industry in Taiwan as the research object, to observe the movement to the mainland since 90’s. We hope this study could be a valuable reference for other investors in Taiwan. In this study, the method of financial analysis is used to evaluate operating performance, which provides investors and managers an index of judgment. In this paper, we take 28 publicly traded companies from printed circuit board shops during 1995 to 2012 as the research objects.We used Tobin's Q method as an indicator to evaluate if the operating performance is significantly related to Taiwanese companies investment behavior in mainland China. The major empirical results includes: (1) The operating performance is better in first seven years. (2) The better location for investment is in East China. (3) With 30-40% investment proportion, the operating performance will be the best of the overall industry.


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