  • 學位論文


LiDAR Scan and Landform Evolution Analysis of Houshanyue Landslides

指導教授 : 陳偉堯


近年全球氣候異常,極端氣候影響台灣成為高頻率複合型災害地區,短期大量降雨造成邊坡災害頻傳。本研究於台北市文山區猴山岳步道附近之崩塌區域進行長期監測,此崩塌區域由2008年9月辛樂克颱風造成,崩塌後植生逐漸復育,直到2012年暑假期間連續大量降雨造成崩塌區域內一處新的崩塌點,本研究針對此崩塌點進行記錄與分析。 研究中收集中央氣象局歷史颱風資料和台北市大地工程處坡地災害歷史資料,配合雨量指標分析程式以推估正確的崩塌時間。計算結果顯示此處崩塌可能的時間為2012年8月蘇拉颱風帶來驚人雨量所造成。 地面雷射掃描儀高精度及高密度的掃描能力,將崩塌區域的空間資訊掃描紀錄,掃描資料以三維點雲模型呈現,並建立崩塌前後數值地形模型分析。本研究以數值地形模型為主,將分析分為模型套疊、STABL安全係數分析和地理資訊系統等分析地貌的變化。在數值地形模型方面,模型套疊計算崩塌土方量,結合UAV航照影像套疊比較精度;在剖面分析部份, STABL安全係數計算得到崩塌過後的邊坡較為穩定;在地理資訊系統方面,製作地形主題圖,計算崩塌前後平均坡度的變化,並以集水區地形指標之面積高度積分值,判斷崩塌區域地形的發展階段。以上分析成功將地貌的變化以圖表及數值方式加以呈現。


邊坡滑動 地面雷射掃描儀 GIS STABL 點雲


World climate anomalies in recent years have led to extreme weather, which has in turn transformed Taiwan into an area prone to high frequency complex disasters frequented by heavy rainfall in a short period of time and the consequent slope disasters. This study involved long-term monitoring of a landslide area near the Houshanyue Trail in Wenshan District, Taipei City. The landslide was caused by Typhoon Sinlaku in September, 2008. Afterwards, vegetation was gradually restored until continuing heavy rainfall leading to a new landslide in the same area during the summer vacation in 2012. This study also recorded and analyzed the landslide. For the purpose of this study, data was collected from the typhoon database of Central Weather Bureau and the hillside disaster database of Geotechnical Engineering Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City. Based on the data, the precise time of the new landslide was estimated using a program for precipitation index analysis. The results of this calculation showed that the landslide probably occurred as a result of the staggering rainfall brought by Typhoon Saola in August, 2012. With the high precision and high density scanning capability of the terrestrial laser scanner, the spatial information of the landslide area was scanned and recorded. The scanned data was presented using the three-dimensional point cloud model. Analysis was also established to examine the digital terrain models before and after the landslide. This study was mainly based on these digital terrain models and the analysis consist of model overlay, STABL for factor of safety analysis, and a GIS analysis for the examination of topographic changes. With regard to the digital terrain models, landslide size was calculated using model overlay and compared with the result from UAV aerial image overlay for precision. With regard to profile analysis, factor of safety calculation by STABL indicated that the slope was more stable after the landslide. With regard to the GIS analysis, changes in average gradient before and after the landslide were calculated by generating topographic thematic maps. The stages of terrain development of the landslide area were determined based on the height and area integration values among the geomorphologic indices of the catchment area. The above analysis successfully presented topographic changes graphically and numerically.


Laser Scanner GIS STABL Slope


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