  • 學位論文


Research on Functional of Orthodontic Attachment

指導教授 : 林永和


牙齒矯正器之發展,因為美觀考量,漸漸的將矯正器轉為與牙齒相似之顏色,但配帶彈性鋼線與矯正器依然會造成患者配帶矯正器之不適,除了容易刮傷口腔內側造成不舒服,而且在飲食上需要注意避免染色,尤其配帶矯正器不容易清潔,更會造成蛀牙! 所幸在3D列印技術的發展下以及精準化之下,得以發展出隱形矯正器,隱形矯正器因體積小、表面光滑且薄不易刮傷口腔內側,更因為其顏色為透明不容易被發現,於配帶矯正器時美學觀感大為提升,更可因場合需要脫下矯正器,亦可以正常刷牙,不會造成清潔上之不便。 乍看之下,隱形矯正器似乎全面性的超越了傳統矯正器,但是因為隱形矯正器尚有拉力與轉動力不足之缺點,整體矯正治療時間會拉長,並且一些特殊矯正case尚須仰賴傳統矯正器,所以目前隱形矯正器並不能全面的取代傳統矯正器。 礙於隱形矯正器之限制,如何突破這些限制,增加隱形矯正可處理之臨床案例種類,以及縮短整體治療時間變成矯正上之一大課題。目前常見之作法為利用光固化樹脂在病人之牙齒上黏上attachment,藉由attachment所提供額外之卯定力以及紐力可大幅度的提升隱形矯正之效果,本研究將藉由有限元素模擬分析探討不同幾何形狀之attachment對於各角度力學上之作用,找出最適合各不同case之attachment所需幾何形狀。


Recent advances in orthodontic research have prompted the development of digital dental therapies, using computer aid design technique compare with 3D printing modeling makes tradition orthodontic braces has a chance to evaluate into transparent plates, as known as invisible braces. Invisible braces not only improve the appearancewhile wearing bracesbut cause less pain to patient,even more invisible braces cause less scratchesbecause of its smooth surface and thin thickness.However, the treatment on invisible braces may be too long forpatient, because ofthe pulling force in some cases may not be enough. To overcome these problems, we aim to add an attachment on patient’s toothto support braces as a fulcrum for increasing turning force in the treatment. Location, shape and size of attachmentmay cause different effective during the whole treatment, in case the design of attachment becomes a big issue in invisible orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect on orthodontic attachment in different size and shape by use finite element analyzing assay to simulatethe stress and displacement that how different shape of attachments effect to orthodontic treatment under horizontal, vertical and oblique force, and try to find out the best designof invisible brace.


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