  • 學位論文


The influence of Type 2 diabetes on work productivity and quality of life

指導教授 : 陳叡瑜


員工生產力是企業成功的重要因素,影響員工生產力的因子包含:健康狀況、罹患疾病、年齡、教育程度、性別和婚姻狀況…等。近年發現,國內高血糖發生率以40∼59歲族群增加最快,這些職場重要人力是否因罹患糖尿病而影響生產力值得關切。國外研究發現,糖尿病和其併發症會增加缺席頻率和降低生產力,國內則尚少相關研究,本文想瞭解在台灣地區職場工作者罹患糖尿病是否會影響其生產力和生活品質。 本研究以便利取樣的方式收集樣本,對象為署立基隆醫院就診和健檢的18歲到65歲全職工作者,與鄰近同年齡層工作職場的民眾。樣本中第2型糖尿病患者為病例組(100人),非糖尿病患(132人)為對照組。利用健康工作表現問卷(HPQ)和生活品質量表(SF-36)為研究工具,對糖尿病與非糖尿病患者作生產力損失和生活品質影響的分析。 研究結果顯示,糖尿病會影響職場工作者之生產力,在調整性別、年齡、婚姻狀態後,工時超過40小時之糖尿病患者有較低的自覺工作表現分數(β=–6.08,P=0.043)。同時發現,糖尿病患會降低生活品質,在調整性別、年齡、薪資與婚姻狀態後,罹患糖尿病與生理分數和心理分數皆呈顯著負相關,迴歸係數分別為-41.86 (p<0.01) 和–24.08 (p<0.01)。本研究亦發現,婚姻有助生產力提升與心理健康。 建議糖尿病患不應超時工作,並可利用體能提升計畫促進生產力;同時應鼓勵家庭與工作平衡以維持良好生產力。


Employee productivity is one of the major factors to the success of enterprises. However, the employee characteristics which influence productivity include age, gender, education, marital status, and health conditions. How to enhance the quality of human resources to improve productivity is a matter of concern for an enterprise. It is indicated in many foreign studies that chronic diseases including diabetes and its complications would increase absence and reduce worker’s productivity, but similar studies are seldom carried out in Taiwan. Diabetes is one of the primary health problems in our country and a dramatic increasing incidence rate of hyperglycemia in age group between forty and fifty-nine is found in recent years. Whether diabetes reduces individual productivity and quality of life in our enterprises becomes an important issue to be aware of. The purpose of this study is to realize the relationship between diabetes and productivity loss /quality of life in our enterprises. Convenience samples were recruited from clinics and health examination in Keelung Hospital and nearby enterprises. A total of 100 type 2 diabetic patients (defined as case group) and 132 persons without diabetes (defined as control group) were recruited with informed consent. All samples were full time job workers aged between 18 and 65, and HPQ and SF-36 were included in the questionnaire to evaluate if diabetes reduced the productivity and quality of life. The results showed diabetes could reduce work productivity. After adjustment for sex, age and marital status, people who work more than forty hours per week had low absolute presenteeism (β= -6.082, P=0.043). Diabetes also reduced quality of life. After adjustment for sex, age, salary and marital status, both total physical component score and total mental component score had significantly negative association with diabetes in linear regression model(β= -41.86, P<0.01 and -24.08, P<0.01 respectively). We also found that marriage increased workers’ productivity and improved their mental health. To avoid work overload and enhance productivity in enterprises, we suggest workers suffering from diabetes should not work over 40 hours a week, and an exercise program to improve their physical health is required. Maintaining better family relationship is also worth noting.


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