  • 學位論文


Effects of rice bran supplement on glycated hemoglobin and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients.

指導教授 : 鄭心嫻


第2型糖尿病患者 (type 2 diabetes mellitus) 血漿中Adiponectin含量較低,且血漿Resistin及C-reactive protein (CRP) 濃度較高。因此,本研究欲探討第2型糖尿病患者每天攝取38公克米麩榖粉 (富含膳食纖維) 為期12週,對血糖、糖化血色素、Adiponectin、Resistin及CRP含量及胰島素敏感性的影響。本研究是採取隨機、雙盲、交叉試驗設計。受試者為羅東博愛醫院30-80歲第2型糖尿病患者共24名,其中男性5名,女性19名參與本研究。受試者隨機分成兩組,所有的受試者每天攝取38公克米麩穀粉 (RB組) 或白米穀粉 (安慰劑組) 5週後,經過2週的排空期後,再攝取38公克白米穀粉或米麩穀粉5週,為期12週。在研究期間,要求受試者在12週內不改變其平日飲食習慣、運動習慣及用藥種類及份量。收集受試者第0、5、7、12週進行口服葡萄糖耐受試驗。結果顯示: RB組在攝取米麩穀粉5週後,顯著的降低10.8%空腹血糖值 (P < 0.05) 及2.5%糖化血色素 (glycated hemoglobin, HbA1C) (P < 0.05)。在血漿Adiponectin含量方面,RB組在攝取米麩穀粉5週後可顯著的增加Adiponectin的含量。在評估胰島素敏感性HOMAIR指標方面,RB組呈現降低的趨勢 (-5.8%) (P = 0.09)。總結,第2型糖尿病患每天攝取38公克米麩穀粉5週後,可顯著降低2.5%糖化血色素、10.8%空腹血糖值以及增加9.6% 血漿Adiponectin的含量。


Plasma adiponectin concentration is lower and plasma resistin and c-reative protein concentration is higher in type 2 diabetes mellitus than euglycemic human. Therefore, the aim of this study was to observe the effect of rice bran flour supplementation for 12 weeks on the concentrations of plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), adiponectin, resistin, and c-reactive protein concentration, and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study was designed as randomized, double-blind and crossover trials. Twenty-four type 2 diabetes subjects in Lo-Tung Pohai hospital in Yilan, 5 men and 19 women aged 30 to 80 years volunteered to participate. The subjects were randomized to two sequences that included 5 weeks of treatment with 38 g of rice bran flour and rice flour. Treatment was preceded by a 14-day washout period. During intervention periods, subjects did not change their dietary habit, the physical condition, and the kinds of medicine and amounts of medicine. On the beginning, 5, 7 and 12 weeks, oral glucose tolerance test were conducted. The results showed rice bran flour supplementation, plasma fasting glucose concentration and HbA1C level was significantly decreased 10.8% and 2.5%, respectively. Plasma adiponectin concentration in RB group was significantly increased compared with baseline (P < 0.05). Insulin sensitivity index (HOMAIR) was tended to decrease (-5.8%, P = 0.09) in RB group. In conclusion, type 2 diabetic patients supplementation 38 g of rice bran flour every day for 5 weeks were significantly decreased 2.5% HbA1C and 10.8% plasma fasting glucose, and significantly increased 9.6% plasma adiponectin concentration.


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