  • 學位論文


The Association of Genetic Polymorphisms of Vitamin K 2,3-Epoxide Reductase on Risk of Ischemic Stroke

指導教授 : 邱弘毅


近十年來,腦血管疾病位居台灣人十大死因前三位之一,除了民國88、93、96、97年退居第三名外,一直以來是主死因中的第二位,僅次於癌症。其中,梗塞型中風(或稱缺血型中風;ischemic stroke)是腦血管疾病發生的主要類型,約占70%。造成梗塞型中風發生的原因主要來自動脈粥狀硬化所引發一系列反應所致。在動脈粥狀硬化的發展上,血小板的趨附有助於初期白血球對於內皮的通透,到了晚期斑塊的脫落及血栓的形成上亦與血小板的聚集黏附密不可分。誘使體內血小板趨附聚集的過程被稱之為凝血作用(coagulation cascade)。凝血因子的形成與體內維生素K的循環(Vit. K cycle)有關,在還原態維生素K(Vit. K hydroquinone)轉化成環氧化態維生素K(Vit. K epoxide)的過程上產生的羧化反應,使得凝血因子能夠功能化並進行後續凝血反應;而體內的環氧化態維生素K則必須透過環氧化態維生素K還原酶(Vitamin K 2,3-Epoxide Reductase, VKOR)的作用將其轉化成還原態以供下次羧化作用進行時利用。因此本研究欲探討VKOR上主控其活性的次單元蛋白-VKORC1(環氧化態維生素K還原酶複合體次單元1號)之危險基因型及其危險單套型與缺血性中風發病危險性的相關性。 本研究選取缺血性中風病患986名,並透過頻率匹配其年齡與性別後,得到986位社區對照。在資料收集上,以結構式問卷經標準化流程收集其社會人口學變項、相關危險因子及疾病史等資料。血液生化值部分則是抽取禁食八小時以上之周邊靜脈血液量測。在基因型的判定上,使用聚合酶鏈鎖反應(Polymerase Chain Reaction)及限制片段長度多形性(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)的方式。統計分析上使用邏輯式迴歸模式,分析VKORC1基因多形性及其單套型(haplotype)與缺血性中風之間的相關性,並計算其危險對比值與95%信賴區間。 結果顯示,在調整傳統危險因子之後,VKORC1 上-1639位點攜帶AG或GG基因型者、+1173位點為CT或CC者、+2255位點帶CT或CC者,相較於攜帶其對應之野生型(wild type)的人高出1.4-1.5倍的風險罹患缺血性中風。進一步分析由此三個基因多形性位點所組合的單套型與缺血性中風間的關係,發現到在調整傳統危險因子後,VKORC1 單套型組合為GCC者相較於ATT的人來說,高出1.45倍的風險罹患缺血性中風。在雙套型(diplotype)的分析上發現到,帶ATT/GCC或是帶GCC/GCC雙套型者,其罹患缺血性中風的風險較雙套型為ATT/ATT者高出1.5倍。 另外,本次研究亦發現,VKORC1基因多形性與糖尿病之間對於疾病的風險上,具有協同作用之影響存在。在調整其他可能的傳統危險因子後,罹患糖尿病且又攜帶危險單套型組合者,其罹病風險較沒有糖尿病且無攜帶危險單套型者高出6.1倍。 最後,本研究亦分析VKORC1基因多形性與缺血性中風病人施用口服抗凝血藥物-warfarin之劑量間相關性。在調整年齡,性別,體重,並控制個體INR值後發現到,基因多形性與藥物施用劑量之間是有相關性存在的,攜帶危險基因型的病人,warfarin施用的劑量明顯高於基因型為野生型的病人。 總結前述,本次研究發現,VKORC1 基因多形性及其單套型與罹患缺血性中風的風險有關,且可能是獨立的危險因子,並發現在評估疾病的風險上,VKORC1 基因多形性與糖尿病間具有協同作用的影響;進一步利用TOAST分類標準區分缺血性中風亞型後,可以在因大動脈血管粥樣硬化所導致的缺血性中風亞型裡觀察到更顯著的結果。另外也發現到,VKORC1 基因多形性及其單套型與缺血性中風患者施用warfarin藥物劑量的個體差異有關,其單套型可以解釋掉7%個體施用劑量之差異。


Atherothrombosis which include atherosclerosis and thrombosis is a main cause of ischemic stroke. Among the process, aggregation and adherence of activated platelets and coagulation cascade are related to form thrombus, and then causing thrombosis. The known vitamin K-dependent proteins include coagulation factors VII, IX, X, prothrombin, and Gas 6 (which be able to facilitate the adherence of activated platelets) are modified by γ-carboxylation (a kind of post-translation). Recent study showed that vitamin K 2,3-epoxide reductase (VKOR) is the rate limiting step of γ-carboxylation, and the genetic polymorphism of vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), which is a subunit to control the activity of VKOR, have been found to affect warfarin dose response through effects on the formation of vitamin K hydroquinone, a cofactor forγ-carboxylation of vitamin K–dependent proteins, which is involved in the coagulation cascade and has a potential impact on atherosclerosis. This study will investigate the association of genetic polymorphisms of VKORC1 on risk of ischemic stroke. In the study sample, we included 986 ischemic stroke patients, and through age and gender matching to find out 986 community control subjects. The related risk factors of ischemic stroke were collected by standardized questionnaire, and used PCR-RFLP to do genotyping. The odds ratio and 95% confidence interval on risk of ischemic stroke was calculated by unconditional logistic regression model. We found that the presence of the risk allele of the A-1639G, T+1173C, T+2255C loci of VKORC1 conferred 1.5 times the risk of ischemic stroke, and found the GCC haplotype was the most dangerous combination of VKORC1. Besides, we also found that genetic polymorphism of VKORC1 was a modifier, which had synergistic effect on the risk of ischemic stroke with diabetes mellitus, if subject carried GCC haplotype and been diagnosed diabetes mellitus, then who conferred 6 times the risk of ischemic stroke. Finally, we found that patient, who was treated by warfarin, carried GCC haplotype need to take higher dosage of warfarin. In conclusion, the genetic polymorphism of VKORC1 may serve as a novel genetic marker for the risk of ischemic stroke and warfarin-sensitive.


atherothrombosis ischemic stroke VKORC1


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