  • 學位論文


Relationship between Pediatrician Density and Infant Mortality Rate in Taiwan from 2003 to 2012

指導教授 : 許怡欣


嬰兒是社會寶貴資產,其死亡率更能代表該國家的公共衛生保健與婦幼保健水準。本研究目的為探討我國兒科執業醫師密度對嬰兒死亡率的關係,依據聯合國千禧年目標(MDG4),臺灣嬰兒死亡率於2015年目標值應降到2.5 ‰。 本研究設計採用行政院衛生福利部統計處「死因統計」與「人口統計」和中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會「醫療統計」之資料,分析臺灣地區2003年至2012年間19個縣市之兒科執業醫師與嬰兒死亡率和新生兒死亡率之長期變化趨勢與相關性。研究方法利用描述分析與推論統計,回顧嬰兒死亡率影響因素之相關實證研究,以Panel Data Model 的固定效果模型(Fixed-Effect model)、無母數統計分析的Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test檢定,檢測不同縣市之兒科執業醫師密度與嬰兒死亡是否有相關性。 結果在基層院所兒科執業醫師密度與新生兒死亡率、嬰兒死亡率統計上有顯著性差異,醫院兒科執業醫師密度與新生兒死亡率統計上有顯著性差異,醫院兒科執業醫師密度與嬰兒死亡率統計上無顯著性差異。亦為基層院所之兒科執業醫師密度越高,其新生兒、嬰兒死亡率越低。該結果可建議政府降低基層院所地域性之差異,並強化基層院所轉診之概念與落實轉診之相關政策,方能助於基層院所因資源不足情況下提升轉診時機,進而達到降低新生兒與嬰兒死亡率之目的。


Background: According to United Nations Millennium goal, infant mortality rate should be reduced to 2.5 infants per 1000 live births on 2015 in Taiwan. Understanding the relationship of pediatrician density on infant health outcome is an important issue in research on the health status of a population. Objectives: Understanding the trend of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Neonatal Mortality Rate(NMR) over the period 2003-2012. This study aims to investigate the relations of pediatrician density on IMR. Methods: This was a retrospective design to collect yearly data for Taiwan during the period of 10 years from 2003–2012.The data used in this study were gathering from official website statistics of the Taiwan Medical Association and the Ministry of Health. Number of physicians per 10000 child (<20 years),which are Clinic pediatrician density, hospital pediatrician density, and over all pediatrician density, are independent variables. The IMR and NMR are dependent variables. IMR is defined as the number of infants dying before reaching one year of age per 1000 live births in a given year. NMR is defined as within the first 28 days of birth per 1000 live births in a given year. All analyses were used SPSS 18 and STATA11.0; the significant level was set at p <0.05. Using Wilcoxon rank sum test and Panel test were used to examine the relationship between the pediatrician density and IMR and NMR. Findings: There is significant relationship between Clinic Pediatrician Density and Infant Mortality Rate. This study suggests that the government can devote to balance in Clinic Pediatrician distribution, to fulfill the design of clinic-hospital transfer system, especially in some areas which are with less medical resources.


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