  • 學位論文


Epidemiology of neurophilic parasitic infections among schoolchildren in Lagos, Nigeria and the evaluation of MIF technique for the detection of intestinal helminthes

指導教授 : 范家堃


Neurophilic parasitic infections (like Toxocariasis and Toxoplasmosis) and intestinal parasites are serious public health problems in many developed and developing countries. Children are particularly at risk due to their attraction to pets (especially dogs and cats), their play habits, poor level of hygiene and in some cases pica. In Nigeria many studies have indicated the existence of Toxocara canis in dogs, but investigations in humans is very scanty and none exist exclusively on children, and in southern Nigeria. With regards to Toxoplasmosis, most of the studies, if not all, in the country are on pregnant women. Hence, there is also paucity of information on the prevalence in children. Intestinal parasitic infections continue to prevail in Nigeria, hence the need for accurate diagnosis. Most studies in the country were done using the Kato-Katz, probably due to cheaper cost, though the technique is believed to be less sensitive compared to the Merthiolate-Iodine-Formaldehyde (MIF) technique. Blood samples were collected (3-5mls) for the detection of both Toxocara canis and Toxoplasma gondii. The larval excretory-secretory antigens, from the third stage larva, were used to test sera for toxocara specific IgG by western blotting. A kit based on latex agglutination (Toxo Test-MT: Eiken Tokyo) was used to test sera for T. gondii and a titre of 1:32 or higher was considered positive. Intestinal helminthes were investigated using stool samples. About 1g of stool sample was put in special containers for the MIF procedure and mixed with 5mls of MIF solution, then passed through a 100 mesh sieve. It was then allowed to stand overnight after which about 50ul was aspirated onto microscope slides and viewed. For the Kato-Katz technique, about 1g of stool was also used. The stool was placed on a filter paper and pressed through a 100 mesh sieve. The sieved stool was then scraped off the sieve surface and placed to fill a hole on a template on a microscope slide. The fecal material was then covered with pre-soaked cellophane strips in malachite green, inverted and pressed for an even spread, then viewed. Out of the 384 samples (blood and stool) examined, results showed that 86.1%, 24% and 86.2% of the children were infected with Toxocara canis, Toxoplasma gondii and intestinal parasites respectively. The MIF technique showed superiority to Kato-Katz in detection of intestinal parasites (p < 0.0001), and it was also able to detect protozoan parasites like Entamoeba hystolytica/E. dispar (27%), Entamoeba coli (10%), Giardia lamblia (13%), Endolimax nana (11%) and Blastocystis hominis (3%), which were not detected by Kata-Katz. With the results of Toxocariasis and Toxoplasmosis infections, we have generated baseline data on these neglected tropical diseases among schoolchildren in Nigeria, while enriching the data on intestinal parasitic infections. There is therefore need for community education on personal hygiene, proper sanitation, and drinking of safe water. Government intervention in these aspects is also urgently required.


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