  • 學位論文


Factors Associated with Participation among Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

指導教授 : 黃國哲


背景與目的:由於智力功能以及適應行為的限制,智能障礙者在概念、社交與實際應對受到影響,進而也造成在參與上之限制。「參與」在國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統(ICF)架構中被視為對於身心障礙者相當重要的結果指標,然目前看待智能障礙者仍多以醫療觀點看待之。本研究將採用融合社會觀點模式之ICF全人架構,分析影響台灣成人智能障礙者參與之相關因素。 研究方法:採用橫斷性研究法,分析2012年7月11日至2016年12月31日間,台灣身心障礙資料庫(TDPD)中經診斷為智能障礙(ICD-9-CM:317-319;ICD-10-CM:F70-F79),年滿18歲且智力功能(b117)障礙為輕度(含)以上之智能障礙者。使用卡方檢定分析參與(如:人際互動參與(Getting Alone with Others, GAP)、工作與學習參與(Work & School, WSP)及社會參與(Social Participation, SP))之限制與社會人口學變項(如:性別、教育程度、社會經濟地位等)、生活活動能力(如:認知、四處走動、自我照顧、居家生活)及環境(產品與科技、氣候及社會福利服務)之差異;使用獨立樣本t檢定分析生活活動能力之標準化分數(如:認知、四處走動、生活自理及居家生活)對於參與(GAP、WSP及SP)之限制上有無差異;並利用邏輯斯蒂迴歸模型分析社會人口學變項、生活活動能力與環境對於參與中各層面(GAP、WSP及SP)之影響。 結果:研究對象共6,983人,對於不同層面之參與結果,分述如下。(1)在GAP方面,與年齡、教育程度、居住別、智力功能障礙程度、工作狀態、生活活動能力與環境因子上呈顯著差異;(2)在WSP方面,與年齡、性別、教育程度、居住別、智力功能障礙程度、生活活動能力及教育用產品與科技外之環境因子呈顯著差異;(3)在SP方面,與年齡、性別、教育程度、居住別、社經地位、智力功能障礙程度、工作狀態、生活活動能力與環境因子呈顯著差異。依據邏輯斯蒂迴歸模型分析人口學變項、生活活動能力與環境因子對參與的影響後發現,社會人口學變項中,影響智能障礙者在人際互動參與(GAP)僅有性別、社經地位兩者達到顯著差異,生活活動能力中則以認知、自我照顧以及居家生活為主要影響因子,環境部分,則以個人食用產品或物質、溝通用產品與科技及氣候為主要影響因子;工作與學習參與(WSP)則與性別、生活活動能力中的認知、自我照顧與居家生活、環境中的教育用產品與科技及氣候為主,然模型配適度不佳;社會參與(SP)方面,則以智力功能障礙程度、工作狀態、生活活動能力、個人用於室外行動與運輸、溝通用產品與科技、個人資產、氣候及社會福利服務為主要影響因素。 結論:本研究發現,對於智能障礙障礙者的參與而言,以往研究所關注醫療模式的社會人口學變項並非主要影響智能障礙者參與之主要因素,相對以往較不受重視的個人生活活動能力與日常生活之環境因素則扮演著決定性的關鍵。本研究對於社會模式觀點之重要性提供有利佐證,研究結果可供我國未來對於智能障礙者擬定相關介入策略時之參考,有助於提升我國智能障礙者參與之可能。


Background and purpose: Due to intellectual impairments and restricted adaptability, persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) have significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors; which includes many social and practical skills used in daily living. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health(ICF) states that participation is the major outcome for the persons with disability. However, we often treat people with disabilities in a medical sense rather than following any social models. This study uses the ICF model and analyzes the associated factors of participation in society for adults with ID in Taiwan, and tries to figure out which participation factors has the most effect/influence. Research method: The data used in the study was obtained from the Taiwan Data Bank of Persons with Disability (TDPD). In total 6,983 ID participants were selected from July 11, 2012 to January 12, 2016. Chi-square test was used to analyze the differences between getting along with others participation(GAP), work & school participation(WSP), and social participation(SP) restricted to character variable(exclude age), daily activity and environment. Independent-samples t-test were used to analyze the age by each type of participation restricted. Logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the relationship with age, gender, education status, living status, urbanization, socioeconomic status, severity of intellectual functions, job status, daily activity, and the environment restricted emphasis GAP, WSP and SP. Results: The findings of logistic regression analysis showed the gender, social status, cognition, self-care, domestic life, products or substances for personal consumption, products and technology for communication, and climate were significant predictors of GAP. Gender, cognition, self-care, domestic life, products and technology for education, and climate were significant predictors of WSP; however, the Goodness-of-Fit test did not yield significant results. Severity of intellectual functions (ICF code:b117), job status, cognition, mobility, self-care, domestic life, products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation, products and technology for communication, financial assets, climate and social security services were significant predictors of SP.


