  • 學位論文


Analysis of Current Factors Restricting Innovation in biotechnology industry - describing characteristic of China from perspective of industry, law and policy

指導教授 : 李崇僖


自生物科技產業出現以來,受到各國的政府高度重視,在產業、法律、政策、法律等多個領域都給予了該產業一定的支援。早在中國十一五期間,中國政府就將生物科技產業作為重點發展領域,在政策上給予了支持;十二五期間則採取了更為多元的舉措推進生物科技產業的跨越式發展。但是,隨著生物科技產業發展的同時,產業競爭、市場競爭也日趨激烈,如何通過創新產業發展實現產業跨越式的新發展,成為中國生物科技產業在新時期面臨的主要問題。 基於此,本文從普遍性產業、法律以及政策角度上,分析當前中國生物科技產業創新發展中的限制因素,以此總結出生物科技產業創新中面臨的困境,借鏡未來提出完善生物科技產業創新的有效對策。 本文主要運用文獻資料法、歸納總結法開展本次研究。文章主要包含六個方面的內容: 一、緒論部分,該部分主要闡述研究背景、目的、意義、方法、內容以及中國國內外研究現狀; 二、理論依據部分,該部分主要闡述產業創新以及生物科技產業的概念、特點等內容; 三、闡述中國生物科技產業發展現狀以及國外發展情況 四、分析中國產業、法律以及政策對中國生物科技產業創新的限制; 五、從產業、法律、政策上提出完善中國生物科技產業的對策,參考借鏡於自己; 六、總結研究成果,得出結論。


Since the emergence of the biotechnology industry, it has been highly valued by governments of all countries and given support to the industry in various fields such as industry, policy and law. As early as the 11th five-year plan period, the Chinese government took the biotechnology industry as a key development area and offered policy support. During the 12th five-year plan period, more diversified measures were adopted to promote the leapfrog development of the biotechnology industry. However, with the development of the biotechnology industry, the industrial competition and market competition are becoming increasingly fierce. How to realize the leapfrog new development of the industry through the development of the innovative industry has become a major problem faced by China's biotechnology industry in the new era. Based on this, from the perspective of industry, law and policy, this paper analyzes the restrictive factors in the current development of innovation in China's biotechnology industry, summarizes the dilemma faced by the innovation in China's biotechnology industry, and proposes effective countermeasures to improve the innovation in biotechnology industry. This paper mainly uses the method of literature and summary to carry out this research. This paper mainly contains six aspects: The first part is the introduction, which mainly elaborates the research background, purpose, significance, method, content and current research situation at home and abroad. The second part is the theoretical basis, which mainly expounds the industrial innovation and the concept and characteristics of the biotechnology industry. The third part is the development of biotechnology industry in China and abroad. The fourth part is to analyze the restrictions of industry, law and policy on the innovation of China's biotechnology industry. The fifth part is to put forward the countermeasures of perfecting China's biotechnology industry from the aspects of industry, law and policy; The sixth part is to summarize the research results and draw conclusions.


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