  • 學位論文


Study of correlation between dietary pattern and breast cancer risk in a Taipei regional hospital

指導教授 : 陳俊榮


研究顯示初經、停經與生育頭胎的年齡、停經後肥胖、是否有乳癌家族 史及飲食環境因子等皆與乳癌發生率有關,其中僅有飲食因子是可以調控的危險因子。但是多數研究發現飲食中的營養素及單一食物與乳癌發生的相關性並無一致的結果,而飲食型態可能影響乳癌的罹患率。本研究以病例對照的方式進行研究,探討飲食型態對乳癌發生率之影響。調查對象為年齡小於75歲於2010年4月至2011年4月間經台北慈濟醫院一般外科初診斷為乳癌的63位女性。對照組以1:1方式,由同院健檢中心體檢者中,尋找與乳癌組受試者年齡相近者(±5歲)進行收案。以食物頻率問卷(Food-Frequency Questionnaire, FFQ) 進行調查,經主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis)進行相關統計分析後,區分出「肉類」、「糖及加工類」、「醃漬-黃豆製品類」、「蔬果類」四種飲食型態。結果顯示「肉類」飲食型態組與乳癌的罹患間有顯著正相關,其中高油脂攝取量可能是「肉類」飲食型態者乳癌罹患風險增加的重要飲食因子。


Diet is the only controllable risk factor for breast cancer. However, there’s no consistent result in the study of nutrient and single food with breast cancer. In recent years, dietary pattern has become one of the methods for studying breast cancer incidence. This study uses case control study design to investigate the relationship between dietary pattern and breast cancer. From April 2010 to April 2011, sixty-three women (age <75 years old) diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time at Taipei Tzu Chi hospital were recruited. Control group were recruited with similar age(± 5 years old) from the Health examination center of Taipei Tzu Chi hospital. Participants answered to a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Using the Principle component analysis, four dietary patterns were derived: “meat”, “sugar and processed food”, “pickled and soy food”, “fruits and vegetables”. Results showed that” meat “dietary pattern is significantly positive correlated to breast cancer, and dietary fat intake may be an important factor in causing breast cancer.


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