  • 學位論文


Effects of Health Education Intervention on Disease-Related Knowledge, Attitude, and Health Behavior in Asthmatics

指導教授 : 邱文達


氣喘是兒童與成人常見的疾病,在現代化工業國家中,已成為最普遍的慢性病之一。雖然目前對氣喘的瞭解更多,治療藥物更好,但從許多國家的調查結果卻發現,其罹病率、住院率、死亡率卻不降反增。氣喘為一種慢性病,可以控制但無法根治,患者需要耐心接受長期治療,而氣喘的治療首重正確觀念的建立,與及早發現惡化徵兆並適當治療,可是多數患者缺乏這方面的知識。藥物治療與環境控制是預防氣喘發作與惡化的重要因素,而要控制好氣喘的病情有賴於病患與醫師的共同合作。氣喘病人的衛教工作是協助病人持續有效控制病情的重要方法。 本研究主要在探討氣喘患者的疾病相關知識、態度及健康行為,以立意取樣方法,於萬芳醫院收集研究對象,共收取68位氣喘患者為樣本,個案須經由胸腔內科專科醫師確診患有氣喘;以結構式問卷為研究工具。另外,採實驗設計法,以衛教介入為主要自變項,將個案隨機分派為實驗組或控制組,分析二組介入前後知識、態度、行為的差異。 研究結果為:知識得分的相關因素方面包括年齡和教育程度,年齡與知識得分呈負相關,教育程度與知識得分呈正相關。態度得分的相關因素包括年齡、教育程度和就業情形,年齡與態度得分呈負相關,教育程度與態度得分呈正相關,就業情形會影響態度得分。行為得分的相關因素包括年齡、就業情形和運動習慣,年齡與行為得分呈正相關,就業情形會影響行為得分,有運動習慣者得分較高。知識與態度間呈低度正相關。衛教介入後實驗組之知識、行為有顯著提升,態度平均得分有進步,但無統計上顯著差異,而控制組前後測的知識、態度、行為無顯著差異。


氣喘 知識 態度 行為 衛生教育介入


Asthma is a common respiratory disease both in children and adults, especially in modern industrialized countries. Hospitalization rates, morbidity and mortality from asthma are increasing in many countries despite scientific advances that are improving the understanding of pathophysiology of asthma and the availability of more effective therapy for its management. Asthma is a chronic disorder requiring long-term management. It can be controlled, but can not be cured completely. The most important thing of controlling asthma is the construction of correct concept of asthma and early detection of exacerbation and adequate therapy, but most patients are lacking of this kind of knowledge. Medication and environmental control are the important factors of preventing attacks and exacerbation. Thus health education on asthma is an important method of assisting patients to control their disease continuously and effectively. This research is mainly on studying asthmatics'''''''' disease-related knowledge, attitude, health behavior and the effects of intervention of health education. Sixty-eight asthma patients were collected in Wan-Fang Hospital, each sample was identified by the physicians of chest medicine for making sure that the correctness of sampling. The instrument of this study was a structured questionnaire. Besides, by experimental design, patients were randomly assigned to experimental group and control group. The results indicated that : 1.Age and education level were the two factors correlating the knowledge of asthma. 2.Age, education level and occupation were the factors correlating the attitude. 3.Age, occupation and habit of exercise were the factors correlating the health behavior. 4.There was a low degree of positive correlation between knowledge and attitude. 5.Experimental group had a significant improvement in knowledge and behavior, but had a improvement in attitude without statistical significance. Control group had no significant improvement in knowledge, attitude and behavior.


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