  • 學位論文

烏腳病盛行地區居民缺血性心臟病與血清中微量營養素及砷甲基化代謝能 力之相關性研究

A Study on the Association of Ischemic Heart Disease with Serum Micronutrients and Arsenic Methylation Capability among Residents in Blackfoot Disease Hyperendemic Area

指導教授 : 薛玉梅




The objective of this study is to elucidate the association among ischemic heart disease,chronic arsenic exposure indices, serum micronutrients(vitaminA, vitamin E, lycopene, α-carotene, β-carotene), urinary arsenic species(AsIII,DMA, MMA and AsV) and other risk factors. 74 prevalence cases of ischemic heart disease and 193 age-sex-matched healthy controls were selected from a study cohort of residents lived in three villages where blackfoot disease was hyperendemic. Urinary arsenic species were isolated by high performance liquid chromatography.(HPLC) and determined by automic absorption spectrometry(AAS). Serum micronutrients were determined by Htomic absorption spectrometry. There was no significant difference between urinary arsenic species and ischemic heart disease except total arsenic level. A significant dose-response relationship was observed between ischemic heart disease and drinking high- arsenic artesian well water.The relation was boarderline significant after adjustment for age,sex,α-caroteneor β- carotene, total cholesterol level, body mass index(BMI) and hypertension. There was a negtive dose-response relationship between α-carotene or β-caroteneand ischemic heart diseas. The relation on β-carotene was also significant and α-carotene was boraderline significant after adjustment for age, sex, drinkinghigh-arsenic artesian well water, total cholesterol, BNI and hypertension. Otherrisk factors, except hypertention, such as serum triglyceride, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, apolipoprotein A1, apolipoprotein B concentration, smoking, alcohol drinking, and liver function indices, had no significant association with ischemic heart diseas.


