  • 學位論文


Structure-solubility relationships among inclusion complexation of hydroxypropyl-��-cyclodextrin with bicyclic drugs

指導教授 : 鄭慧文 陳朝洋


本論文主要的研究目是探討氫氧丙基-β-環糊精與雙環藥物包覆錯合的模 式。因此,以5,8-二氫氧基-1,4-酮類衍生物(6+6環)、??類衍生物 類(6+5環)做為實驗的模式藥,並且以所增加的溶解度作為監測其包覆錯 合的工具。依溶解度實驗顯示,取代基所在的位置與本身形成的立體結構 對於溶解度的增加之影響性,較取代基的極性與碳鏈長度重要。此一結果 表示,取代基所在的位置與自身的立體結構才是影響包覆錯合的最主要因 素。此外,以單環的對位-氫氧基苯甲酸酯類做為與雙環藥物對照比較的 模式藥,卻得到相反的結果。此一結果暗示氫氧基丙基-β-環糊精與單環 藥物或與雙環藥物的包覆錯合,二者的機轉是不相同的。


The complexation of hydroxypropyl-?-cyclodextrin with bicyclic compounds was studied. 5,8-Dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives(6+6 ring structure) and indole derivatives (6+5 ring structure) were used as the model chemicals and the solubility increment was employed as an indicator to monitor the complexation progress. The solubility experiments revealed that the position and 3-dimensional structure of the substituents provided more impact on the solubility increment than the polarity and chain length did. This result indicated that both the position and 3-dimensional structure were the major determinants affecting the complexation among the factors studied. The control study with monocyclic compounds, using p- hydroxybenzoic acid esters as the model chemicals, showed opposite results. These results suggested that complexation of hydroxypropyl-?-cyclodextrin with monocyclic compounds had a different complexation mechanism with the bicyclic compounds.