  • 學位論文


Investigation of Factors that Influence Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients'' Glycemic Control and Self-Management Model

指導教授 : 鄭綺 林佳靜 林宏達


影響第2型糖尿病患者之血糖控制及自我管理模式因素的探 討台北醫學院護理學研究所研究生姓名:莊 嬌 榮畢業時間: 八十六 學年度 第 二 學 期指導教授:鄭 綺 台北醫學院護理學研究所副教授兼任所長隨著物質文明的發達, 大家過著豐衣足食的生活,再加上醫藥的進步,使得老年人口逐年增加,伴隨而來的慢性 病也逐漸佔十大死因的大部份,其中糖尿病的罹患率及死亡率也有逐年增加之趨勢,因此 如何有效的控制糖尿病,便成為現今預防保健的工作重點。本研究的目的是:一、探討病 患基本屬性與疾病相關因素對血糖控制之影響。二、比較門診血糖控制不良與控制良好病 患血糖控制之自我管理模式。三、探討基本屬性對血糖控制自我管理模式之影響。使得研 究結果能協助護理人員瞭解糖尿病患血糖控制之自我管理行為,以提供具體而有效的護理 措施。本研究係採半結構性的訪談方式,與研究對象進行錄音訪談來收集資料,並將訪談 過程記錄下來,再以內容分析法將記錄所得資料加以分析、歸納與整理。研究者於86年07 月至86年12月在台北市一家研究結果發現:一、在影響血糖控制之基本屬性方面,結果顯 示血糖控制的良好與否與體重控制方面兩組病患並無不同。四、在基本屬性對血糖控制自 我管理模式之影響方面,所有病患之教育程度與執行口服藥物控制的終止點有關,職業及 共同居住者與飲食控制的終止點及自我管理模式有關,年齡及體重狀況與運動控制的自我 管理模式及終止點有關 關鍵詞:第2型糖尿病患、血糖控制不良、血糖控制良好、血糖控 制自我管理模式


Investigation of Factors that In fluence Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients'' Glycemic Control and Self-Management Model Author : Chiao Jung ChuangThesis directed by : Chii Jeng , Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor, Director, Taipei Medical College, Graduate Institute of Nursing. Men are livi ng prosperous and healthily owing to the civilized evolution and advancement o f medical technology, men has live much longer than the past, and the high-age population will become the majority in the society gradually. Accordingly, su ch as diabetes, a long-term illness are appeared, it course a major death in t oday either in the morbidity or mortality, so, a study how to prevent the incr ease of diabetes has become one of important work in todays medical and nursin g issues. There''re 3 purposes in this study: (1) To investigate the influence of glycemic control around and good nursing implement. All the case are use a semi-structured interview guideline to go through the study, and take the nece ssary step and tools to, for example, recording by a tape and a written note i n the interview with the diabetes patient, and a sorting/managing the collecte d data and pe 2 diabetes mellitus outpatients. According to the research for the above, the findings disclose some of important information described as be low, and will expected useful and referable to nursing people when in take car e of the diabetes patients and its related management.(1) The demography in gl ycemic control glycemic control showed the poor or good glycemic control of a patient are erever lived in the hospital; take a folk medicine; consult t he nutrient; types of medicine; self-test of a blood glucose; diabetes auto-ne uropathy; proteinurine test. Except the above, therere no relationship regardi ng to the glycemic control such as family case history, got the other diseases , self-test of urine glucose and how many sports days be spent. (3) The relate d of glycemic controls self-management model showed an express differeceif the patients always according to doctors requirement, take the medicine timely an d do a regular diet-control, it''ll cause an good glycemic control, otherwise a re not. But there''re not a very different in doing exercise for the patients. (4) The demography in glycemic controls self-management model showed the patie nts that: the end-point of an oral drug-take was concerned with the education level; the diet control self-management model and end-point was concerned with job, and people who live together; the self-management model and end-po int of an exercise was concerned with the patients age and body weight. Key wo rds : Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, poor glycemic control, good glycemic control, glycemic control''s self-management model.


