  • 學位論文


Comparison the Effects of Back Massage and Relaxation Training in Reducing Chemotherapy Induced Fatigue

指導教授 : 賴裕和




Fatigue is the most annoyed symptom in the cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. In this study we aimed to assess the effects of back massage and relaxation training in reducing chemotherapy-induced fatigue. A quasi-experimental design was used for this study. Pre-test and post-test longitudinal method was used for data collection. A total of forty-six eligible patients with head and neck or esophageal cancers were randomized assigned into three groups: control, back massage and relaxation training group. Seventeen, fifteen and fourteen patients were assigned in each group respectively. The experiment patient groups were all received 10-minute program of either back or relaxation training twice a day for three consecutive days during chemotherapy. The control group patients received daily ward routine care only. We measured patients’ physiological responses and visual analogue scale including fatigue, anxiety, depression, and symptom distress before and after each program. Before and on the 3rd day of chemotherapy, sub-scales of Profile of Mood State for fatigue, anxiety, depression, and symptom distress scale, visual analogue scale were measured for all patients. A visual analogue scale was used to measure daily changes. Data were analyzed by mean, paired t-test, repeated measures ANOVA .We found that (1) fatigue, anxiety, depression, and symptom distress level in the control group increased during chemotherapy. The fatigue level on the 2nd and 3rd day was significantly higher than pre-chemotherapy. (2) However, in the back massage group, fatigue, anxiety, depression, symptom distress level and physiological responses were reduced significantly immediate after therapy. In the long-term effect, which is comparison between the pre-chemotherapy and the 3rd day, symptom distress significantly higher than pre-chemotherapy. (3) In the relaxation training group, the fatigue, anxiety, depression, symptom distress, and blood pressure and respiration rate were reduced significantly immediate after training. In the long-term effect, depression was significantly lower than pre-chemotherapy. (4) Compared with pre-chemotherapy, fatigue in the control group was significantly higher than the back massage group on the 3rd day. Depression in the control group was significantly higher than the relaxation group on the third day. The results indicated that back massage and relaxation training programs could reduce chemotherapy-induced fatigue and improve the quality of life of the patients.


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