  • 學位論文


Policy Analysis for the Implementation of Hospice Palliative Care in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳靜敏


論文名稱:台灣地區安寧緩和療護政策之執行評估分析 研究所名稱:臺北醫學院護理研究所 研究生姓名:張丹蓉 畢業時間:八十八學年度第二學期 指導教授:陳靜敏 臺北醫學院護理學系副教授 近年來人性醫療照顧需求以及探討癌症末期病患照護之合適性呼聲日益提升。台灣地區近十年來民間團體積極推動安寧照顧觀念,行政院衛生署亦於民國八十四年推動各項相關計畫。目前雖有些研究計畫進行,但均僅分別對照護模式、照護品質或民眾、醫事人員認知等方面探討,唯對整體政策之問題與執行分析尚未探究。 本研究目的為:(一)探討影響安寧緩和療護政策的制定狀況及相關因素;(二)分析安寧緩和療護政策執行狀況的結構、過程與結果。研究設計採個案研究,以近五年來我國推動安寧緩和療護政策的演進,進行政策執行評估之調查,一面由多元政策利害關係人角度切入,另一面則收集如立委質詢稿、報章雜誌等之二手資料,運用政策執行與評估理論進行質性與量性研究併行的政策執行評估,研究工具包括回顧資料與結構式問卷,另以訪談作為輔助。 過程評估以相關民間團體、專家學者、衛生新聞媒體記者、立法委員、衛生行政者(含健康保險單位)及提供服務者為對象進行問卷調查(n=285)。結果評值的對象則為接受服務的病患與家屬(n=506),回收有效問卷分別為198份(69.47%)及203份(40.12%)。政策形成過程及執行結構評估部分則以自民國七十六年起行政院衛生署、立法院、報紙雜誌媒體所發佈資料回顧方式進行半結構式內容分析。 在資料回顧分析方面,發現於六十八至八十年間為政策議題醞釀期間,由熱心人士與民間團體活動透過菁英模式制定我國安寧緩和療護政策;至八十四年經權威主管的重視,正式進入政策議程排定後即轉由團體理論模式及制度模式規劃政策。中央政府機關於行政院衛生署訂有施政計畫及編列預算,重點為建立工作體系、研修法規、品質管制策略。另於八十九年六月經總統公告『安寧緩和醫療條例』及中央健康保險局規劃醫療照護相關的給付制度,可為完成政策法制化階段。 在政策執行結構評估發現目前已訂有七項參考規範與計畫、一則法令解釋及一項安寧緩和醫療條例,已具足力量使政策執行結構法治化。結構評估部分,目前共二十九家(249床)醫療院所提供居家及住院安寧療護,共4,126人已接受過訓練。仍有八個縣市無安寧緩和照護服務,床數需求與醫事專業人員對安寧工作共識相關,故需予以強化安寧療護工作團隊與非安寧醫事人員溝通與互動。合理給付、品質評鑑制度及法規制定為努力方向。對民眾則以宣導為第一優先。 在政策利害關係人對安寧療護政策執行過程評估,經因素分析萃取出八項因素,共解釋53.40%的變異量後將此八因素進行分析發現: 一、政策利害關係人間對安寧療護政策執行狀況的看法非常一致,整體而論均同意有其不足及困難,其中該政策執行的社會動員及資源分配因素的問題最為同意。對法令規範、專業技術、民眾對死亡與安寧療護認知之標的團體特性因素目前所存在的問題,同意度次之。 二、政策利害關係人對安寧療護工作範圍的共識不足與人員需加強訓練表示關切。此與訪談結果相同,從部分學者專家於期刊文章及本次問卷建議事項中提及於醫院中建立緩和醫療會診小組,以加強與協助其他醫療人員照顧臨終病人有其急迫性。 三、安寧療護政策之推動現階段有幸得到民間團體、立委、媒體的關注,尤其是民間團體熱心推動,如何整合及持續形成社會運動為值得深思的課題。 四、不同利害關係人對法令規範因素及環境配合因素有不同的看法,在統計上具顯著意義。相關團體及提供服務者較學者專家同意執行上有法令規範不足。環境配合不良的問題同意度則提供服務者高於學者專家。政策利害關係人的基本屬性中,以教育程度不同在服務品質評鑑因素、專業技術因素及標的團體特性因素之問題上有不同的看法,安寧工作年資愈長愈同意服務品質評鑑上的問題。 在病患與家屬對安寧療護政策執行結果評估發現: 一、在該政策之充分性上,發現介於不清楚與不確定之間,表示病人及家屬對該項政策知悉、需求及使用情形仍不足,加強宣導是重要策略。回應性評估方面則介於滿意及非常滿意之間。至於態度方面,對機構數目與分佈、政策權威的支援、獲得之資訊來源、瞭解程度等不足及問題,均表示同意。此與資料回顧所獲相同。 二、病患及家屬需安寧療護知悉管道,故醫療人員的告知、政府與民間團體的宣導計畫亟需加強全面規劃以達到符合經濟效益之傳播與行銷的目的。


Title of thesis: Policy Analysis for the Implementation of Hospice Palliative Care in Taiwan Institution: Gracuate Institue of Nursing, Taipei Medical College Author: Dan-Rong Chang Thesis directed by: Ching-Min Chen , R.N.,D.N.S., Associate Professor The demands for humanitarian medical care and the adequacy for terminal-stage care are increasing in recent years. The concept of palliative care has been promoted since the last ten years in Taiwan. The Department of Health has also launched various action plans for this arena since 1995. Although several researches have been processed, none of them explores the policy formation process and implementation analysis. The purposes of this study were as following: (1) to explore factors influencing the palliative care policy formation;and (2) to assess the structure, process and outcome in the implementation of palliative care policy. Case study was used as research design to investigate the evolution of the palliative care policy in the past years. Data were collected through multiple stakeholders, respondents of this policy and second hand data which were documented from Legislative Yuan, governmental publications, newspapers and magazines. The instruments of this study included 2 questionnaires and 1 semi-structural list for data review; further, face-to-face interview was used to rich the collected information. The stakeholders included voluntary organizations, experts, journalists, legislators, governmental officials (also health insurance personals) and service providers were surveyed with one questionnaire (n=285) to evaluate the “process” part of policy implementation. The patients and their families (n=506) stressed on the “outcome” of implementations. A total of 198 (69.47%) and 203 (40.15%) valid responses were received. The data review method was adopted to explore the hospice palliative care policy formation process and the “structure” part of policy implementation. The results indicated that awareness of this issue to discus hospice palliative care was from 1979 to 1991. Since 1995, Department of Health had designed some action plans as agenda setting. On June 2000, Legislative Yuan finally passed The Hospice Palliative Care Law. The structure of policy implementation included seven related regulations and plans, one explanation act, and one medical law enacted, which indicated there are sufficient enough to become legitimated. Twenty-nine palliative care institutes (249 beds) provided home care and hospitalized hospice. 4,126 personnel had been trained, yet, there were still eight counties lack of palliative care services. Reasonable payment, quality accreditation, and regulation systems broadcasting about this policy to the public were the first priority. The process of policy implementation was as followed: factor analysis abstracted eight factors explained 53.40% cumulative variance. Each factor was hypothesis tested: 1.Various stakeholders tended to be congruent with each others. In general, they agreed with the insufficiency and difficulty in hospice palliative care policy. The most dissatisfied factors were the integration, allocation and accreditation among social resources, government organizations and the implementation institutes needed more attention and new resolution. Stakeholders did not agree the regulation had met their needs. 2.Stackholders were concerned about lack of consensus among the service content and training of the providers. Setting a hospice palliative care consultation team in hospital was strongly suggested. 3. It is worthwhile reconsidering how to implement the palliative care as a social movement beyond non-governmental organizations, legislators, and media. 4.There were significant difference among stakeholders in legitimization factor and macro environment factor . Another significant finding was the different educational level and hospice working experience of stakeholders had different view in process evaluation of policy implementation. The results of the outcome of policy implementation were: 1.Patients and families needed the channel to get the information about palliative care. It would be valuable to promote and market the concept of palliative care in economic scale, and the education on natural of life and die. 2. The adequacy of hospice palliative care policy was between unclear and unknown which indicated the unmeet need of patients and family. However, the responsiveness of patients and their families were quite high, indicated the satisfaction of the service they received. The study results would especially provide for government and voluntary organizations to make policy adjustment to promote the need of this policy.


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