  • 學位論文

Andrographolide抑制人類單核球細胞 (THP-1) 誘發第九型基質金屬酵素活化之機轉探討

Investigation of the inhibitory mechanisms of andrographolide on matrix metalloproteinase-9 activation in THP-1 cells

指導教授 : 蕭哲志


基質金屬蛋白酵素(matrix metalloproteinases, MMPs)能夠催化分解維持組織結構之細胞外基質蛋白(extracellular matrix proteins),包括基質(ground substances)與結締纖維組織(connective fibers),因此對於組織之結構重組(remodeling)、修補(repairing)與破壞(destroy)都扮演相當重要之角色。同時MMPs的含量與活性表現均受到許多方式嚴密地調節控制。許多文獻指出,類風濕性關節炎的軟骨組織不正常破壞或粥狀動脈血管斑塊組織的剝離均與異常基質崩解作用有關,其主要原因源自單核球或巨噬細胞產生及釋放大量MMPs所致。一般而言,發炎性細胞激素(inflammatory cytokines),如tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)、interleukin 1b (IL-1b), 及細菌性內毒素,如lipopolysaccharide (LPS),均會刺激發炎性細胞表現MMPs基因及其酵素蛋白生成。MMPs同時也會受相關生理性之內生性組織抑制劑(tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases, TIMPs)所調節,如TIMP-1及TIMP-2。 在大規模中藥材萃取物及化學合成等藥物成分篩選實驗下,我們發現,在傳統中藥穿心蓮(Andrographis paniculata)所萃取的天然物成分andrographolide,具有明顯抑制MMPs活化之作用。在先導試驗中我們以人類單核球細胞(THP-1 cells)為實驗細胞,分別以不同濃度的TNF-a或LPS處理24小時後,以電泳酵素分析法(gelatin zymography)評估可發現到人類單核球細胞能誘發大量MMPs的活性,而其中又以MMP-9為甚。尤其當TNF-a刺激濃度在10 ng/ml及LPS刺激濃度在10 ng/ml時,當細胞數為1 ×106 cell/ml時,此分解gelatin效果最為明顯適當。隨後實驗以此為試驗條件,的確在電泳酵素分析法下觀察到andrographolide有意義地依濃度效應(1-50 mM)抑制TNF-a或LPS誘發人類單核球細胞之MMP-9活性。然而在酵素活性分析(MMP-9 activity assay system)下,andrographolide在濃度50 mM時,卻不具有抑制MMP-9酵素活性之能力。另外以細胞存活率測定(MTT assay)發現andrographolide的抑制作用並非源自細胞之損害。並利用酵素免疫分析測定法(ELISA),發現andrographolide也會抑制TIMP-1的含量。 從西方墨點實驗法(Western blot)發現在不同刺激下(如TNF-a或LPS)發現MMP-9 protein表現量隨andrographolide濃度增加而降低,故証實此天然物作用在MMP-9蛋白質表現層面。並進一步以RT-PCR的實驗分析法加以分析,發現andrographolide會抑制MMP-9 mRNA的表現,更深入瞭解細胞轉錄(transcription)之影響程度。同時我們也更進一步探討andrographolide在訊息傳遞中作用機轉的方式,從實驗結果得知andrographolide會明顯抑制由TNF-a刺激所導致Inhibitor-kB-a (IkB-a)的降解作用,使Nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB)無法進入細胞核中與特定MMP-9相關的DNA序列接合。LPS則可能並非經NF-kB之途徑。在Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs)方面,從目前實驗結果得知andrographolide對於extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs)並無直接的影響,至於c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK)雖有初步結果,但仍需進一步探討其影響的程度。 綜合目前實驗的結果發現,此中藥天然物andrographolide的確具有抑制MMP-9表現之活性,而在TNF-a刺激方面其作用機轉可能主要藉由影響NF-kB的訊息傳遞過程。未來將進行相關之活體實驗以瞭解其是否具抗發炎療效之功能。


Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) could catalyze and degrade extracellar matrix protein (ECM), including ground substances and connecting fibers, which have their function to maintain tissue structure. Thus, it lays certain important roles in tissue structure remodeling repairing and destroys. The levels and activities of MMPs are strictly regulated and controlled in various ways. Many evidence indicated that human monocytes/macrophages synthesize and secrete several MMPs which are structurally related and participate in the degradation of ECM components in either rheumatoid arthritis tissues or atherosclerotic plaques. In general, inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), interleukin 1b (IL-1b), lipopolysaccharides (LPS), can stimulate inflammatory cells to express MMPs genes and protein, and its activates are also regulated by physically endogenous tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), such as TIMP-1 and TIMP-2. According to previous experiments, we found that andrographolide extracted from Chinese herb Andrographis paniculata showed obviously inhibitory effect on MMPs activation. We used human monocyte THP-1 cells in our preliminary experiments and by using different concentration of TNF-α or LPS treatment for 24 hours. By using gelatin zymography analysis, we found that TNF-α- or LPS-stimulated human monocyte THP-1 cells could significantly induce MMPs activities, especially MMP-9. The gelatin degradation effect is most appropriate and significant at the condition when both TNF-α and LPS stimulation concentration at 10 ng/ml with 1x106 cell/ml. Then, based on this experimental condition, we observed that andrographolide concentration-dependently (1-50 mM) inhibit MMP-9 activation induced by TNF-α and LPS significantly in zymography method. In addition, andrographolide did not show inhibitory effect on enzymatic activity of MMP-9 at concentration of 50 mM. Also, we found that the inhibitory effect of andrographolide was not due to impairment of cellular viability by MTT tests. On the other way, andrographolide also inhibited the TIMP-1 levels by the ELISA analysis. According to Western blot method, we found that the inhibition on expression of MMP-9 protein is concentration-dependently by andrographolide in various stimulations. This indicated that this natural compound has effect on the protein expression of MMP-9. By using RT-PCR method, we found that andrographolide can inhibit the expression of MMP-9 mRNA, thus has deeper influence on the level of MMP-9 transcription. At the same time, we investigated the mechanism of action of andrographolide in various signaling pathways. We found that it could significantly inhibit the degradation of inhibitor-kB-α (IkB-α) induced by TNF-α, therefore nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) may not translocate for transcription. However, LPS is possibly not associated with this NF-kB pathway. Furthermore, in mitogen-activate protein kinases (MAPKs) aspect, andrographolide did not show direct influence on phosphorylated activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), however, it showed slightly affect on c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. In summary, we found that Chinese herbal compound, andrographolide, with inhibitory effect on MMP-9 expression, and its main mechanism of action might through NF-kB signal pathway on TNF-a stimulation. It will be interesting to further investigate its therapeutic profile on inflammatory animal model in vivo.


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