  • 學位論文


A survey on the working status and occupational injuries of the mountain area (the Lion District, Pingtung County, Taiwan)aborigines

指導教授 : 林佳谷


本研究的目的是希望能藉由瞭解台灣之某一山地鄉--屏東縣獅子鄉,探討原住民之工作現況與職業傷害內容。研究內容包括該鄉社會人口概況、生活習慣、就業動態、工作條件、職業傷害發生率、職業傷害之危險因子及工作者的健康狀況。 本研究藉由有效問卷400份的資料收集與分析,有諸多重要結果發現。全省有30個山地鄉,而獅子鄉是屏東縣面積最大的山地鄉。本研究對象之族別以排灣族最多(97.8﹪),其主要宗教信仰是基督教(84.0﹪)。這回調查對象男性所佔的比例略高於女性,年齡層以25-44歲居多(48.3﹪),過去一年的生活中,主要壓力來自「工作」(44.0﹪)。教育程度比全國一般民眾低,以國(初)中以下居多(55.3﹪)。絕大部分有「經常性收入」(86.2﹪),但高收入者所佔的比例低。雖大多數離鄉求職,但工作地點以南部區域所佔的比例較高(83.0﹪);若依縣市別,主要以屏東縣最多(68.5﹪),顯然仍以較近原鄉為主。大部分的受訪者的工作性質為全職性(63.5﹪),從事工作的公司其規模在「10人以下」所佔的比例最多(68.5﹪),從事工作的工作單位型態,以「私人企業」居多(39.5﹪)。 傳統原住民的職業傷害與其所從事的特異性,「深、高、遠、暗」,即與深礦坑、建高樓、出遠洋、社會黑暗層面等工作有關。這回職業傷害的情形以男性青壯年齡層居高。過去一年曾經因工作導致事故傷害有29.0﹪。調查研究中的重要發現有「工作與一些嗜好物的結合時,有其較高的傷害率」。抽菸、喝酒、喫檳榔的嗜好,男性之比例分別為63.1﹪、65.3﹪、55.0﹪,女性分別為14.1﹪、41.1﹪、41.0﹪;而在工作的評估中又發現,將嗜好物帶入工作中,三者之比例分別為(男女合併)70.9﹪,39.9﹪,74.9﹪,依抽菸、喝酒、喫檳榔習慣與職業傷害情形之分析,其相對危險性分別為1.57(95%信賴區間1.02-2.43)、2.00(95%信賴區間1.28-3.14)、1.51(95%信賴區間0.99-3.22)。工作服務性質屬於低層體力工與小型事業單位者有較高之職業傷害。 希望以上資料結合當地獨特之地緣與人文,能提供有關單位作為今後山地鄉原住民政策的制訂參考,因為這是今日社區健康營造的重要一環。


Based on a questionnaire survey, an investigation over the working population and their occupational injuries was carried out at the Lion Village, Pingtung County, Taiwan in 2003. This survey emphasizes on: demography, livings, job opportunities, working status, injuries, factors and variables associated with accidents and stresses, and health status. This study in based on the effective collection and analysis of 400 samples. The important findings are: (1) there are 30 mountain areas in Taiwan, and the Lion Village is the largest one in the Pingtung County; 97.8% of the samples all belong to one specific tribe, the Paiwan; (2) basically, they are the Christians,(86.2%); (3) sample proposition, male is slightly over female; (4) sample age: mainly of the 25~44group, (48.3%); (5) stresses maily are work related; (6) educational status: lower than the national average, mainly junior high (55.3%); (7) income source: 86.2% have the regular salary, but not the high payment; (8) job opportunity: as an alient working at other counties or cities, but concentrated mostly at southern Taiwan(83%), mainly at Pingtung county(68.5%). Basically, leaving hometown for a job, but not too away from native place; (9) working status: maily working as a permanent job(63.5%), small scale business operation(i.e. less than 10 workes), (68.5﹪), private owner type business(39.5﹪), serving maily as the laborous workers. The traditional occupational injuries of the Taiwan aboriginals were highly associated with their miserable occupational characteristics of ‘deep, high, far-away, and dark’. In this survey, we have the findings that the occupational injuries are mainly concentrated in the young adult male groups, the accidental rate is 29.0﹪(2002). One of the most important finding in this survey is that the occupational injuries are highly associated with their substances abuse, especially their indulging with smoking, alcohol drinking and betel nut chewing during working. The odds ratio (95% C.I.) of smoking, drinking and betel nut chewing are 1.57(1.02-2.43), 2.00(1.28-3.14)and 1.51(0.99-3.22), respectively. The fate of working at small scale business and involing laborous works explain the reason of high injury rate. It is expected that the survey outcomes shown above plus the valuable inherited tribal culture and the natural gifts of the convenient location and the natural beauties and resources, etc., that the Lion district can be rebuilt into an attractive resort to both the aborigines and the tourists.


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