  • 學位論文


Antimutagenic assessment among market preparations of Kagome tomato against hydroxyl radical oxidation

指導教授 : 洪清霖 教授 呂鋒洲 教授


本研究以生物檢定的方式,採用Salmonella TA102〔Histidine mutation :hisG428(pAQ1)〕檢定菌種,利用修飾Ames test方法,測定品質穩定市場較大的市販可果美蕃茄製品:無鹽蕃茄汁、加鹽蕃茄汁、蜂蜜蕃茄汁等,並以蕃茄紅素、β-胡蘿蔔素、維生素C為對照,檢測其抗氧化活性能力所導致之抑制變異作用的成效;比對本研究室於2002年11月28號日本環境變異原學會31屆大會(東京) 所提的初步報告,探討預防癌症的機制。本研究經再現性結果,已評比出該廠牌蕃茄汁製品 (加鹽暨無加鹽) 的Suppression Rate作用最強,可達0.2mM lycopene之作用的97 %。 安姆式沙門氏菌試驗為利用變異性測定方法,了解測試物質是否具有致突變性或是致癌性的一種檢驗法,應用此原理,藉由觀察加入物質是否具有抑制受到致突變劑攻擊之細菌,減少細菌突變之功效,可得知加入的測試樣本,是否具有保護DNA,使其免於受到致突變劑或是自由基攻擊之效。蕃茄紅素對羥自由基清除效應之濃度劑量反應曲線,隨著蕃茄紅素的濃度增加產生回覆突變的菌落數目愈少,表示抗氫氧自由基的能力隨著濃度的增加而增加,證明了蕃茄紅素具有抗氫氧自由基的作用,lycopene濃度為0.2mM,計算出抑制百分比( suppression ratio )為88 % ,抑制 50% 濃度( IC50 )為0.0153 mM。 實驗結果得之,蕃茄及其製品和蕃茄紅素不僅具有抗氧化的作用,還具有抗變異的效果,無鹽蕃茄汁、加鹽蕃茄汁、蜂蜜蕃茄汁具有不錯的清除氫氧自由基之抗變異功效,且隨濃度增加而抑制效果也隨之增加,呈現正相關的劑量反應作用。β-胡蘿蔔素、維生素C也具有不錯的清除氫氧自由基之抗變異功效,且隨濃度增加而抑制效果也隨之增加,呈現正相關的劑量反應作用。


We have studied the chemical activities of the tomato preparations on anti-oxidation and there were very strong anti-oxidative activities from tomato juice preparations. This paper then aimed at conducting an anti-mutation experiment to investigate the biological action concerning their mode of scavenging free radical, specifically responded to the principal constituent of lycopene against hydroxyl radical oxidation. This study adopted the Ames test, bioassay in mutagenic screenings, to explore the effects against oxidative mutation. We used Salmonella typhimurium TA102 as the tester strain. And, we used hydrogen peroxide and cumene hydroperoxide as mutagens. Tomato juice preparations were offered from Kagome tomato company . Lycopene given by the LycoRed company from Israel was taken as a test standard. β-carotene and ascorbic acid, as purchased, were taken for the comparative reference samples. The concentrations of test sample were all set at the same level of 0.2 mM. Hydrogen peroxide was taken as the oxidative mutagen at the concentration level of 0.5% with a dose of 100μl H2O2 , referred to the hydroxyl radical attack with /without co-factor of ferrous sulfate. Lycopene supplementations did show a very clear dose-respondent curve against the oxidation damage by hydrogen peroxide. Lycopene, at the concentration level of 2×10 -5 µmole( 0.2 mM /100µl ) , exerts a perfect radical scavenging effect against H2O2 with a suppression ratio of 88% . With the dose at 0.02 µmoleβ-carotene and ascorbic acid get 83% and 84% inhibition respectively. Three juice preparations also exhibit their strong antimutation ability against this reactive oxygen species (ROS) oxidation. It is rather certain that oral administration of antioxidants, such as the lycopene, does protect our body from an oxidation damage and avoid a carcinogenic risk induced by free radical. So our observation could confirm the role of the tomato preparations on health protection against radical oxidation. Therefore, we recommend that the commercial preparations of tomato juice should be considered as a good source of natural antioxidants in our daily intake of fluid drinking.


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