  • 學位論文


The Correlational Study on the Participation of Health Training Program Among Healthy Communities Volunteers in Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳靜敏


順應「健康城市」營造之世界性潮流,行政院衛生署自1999年開始積極推動社區健康營造計劃,在全國223個鄉鎮設立社區健康營造中心,培訓保健志工,推動保健活動。本研究之對象為台北市社區健康營造中心之保健志工,探討其參與保健課程現況及其影響,如社區健康營造自我效能、社區健康營造活動參與度及生活品質之相關性,以期作為日後保健志工訓練與社區健康營造推廣之參考。研究目的:1.瞭解臺北市社區健康營造中心保健志工的保健課程參與度現況;2.探討保健志工的保健課程參與度與營造自我效能、營造活動參與度及其生活品質之分佈情形及相關性。3.探討影響保健志工其保健課程參與度之因素。本研究採橫斷式研究,利用北市各行政區營造中心之定期聚會,以自擬之結構式問卷進行普查,共回收250份有效問卷。研究工具之專家內容效度達0.91以上,內在一致性α皆達0.7~0.9之理想範圍。結果發現保健志工以女性、中年、高中(職)、有配偶、兼職、佛教信仰、全家平均月入介於30,834~83,500元間為多,五成志工先前無志工經驗。保健課程參與度得分最高27分,最低0分,平均參與19.00種課程 (SD=6.73),參與度差異性大,信義區、中正區及北投區三中心志工參與度高於其他區;全職者高於無工作,而兼職者高於無工作及家管者。有66.4%的志工結訓後會參與營造活動,每月平均服務10.74小時 (SD=19.26, Mdn=5),一年約60~120小時。然保健課程參與度與其每月服務社區之時數無關,但日後有參與營造活動者,其課程參與度較高。保健志工之生活品質得分介於10.81~30.00之間(M=20.50, SD=3.60),表志工有中度生活品質滿意度,其中對家庭的滿意最高(M=22.14,SD=4.47),對環境最不滿意 (M=19.69,SD=4.30)。課程參與度與生活品質僅間接相關。保健志工之社區健康營造自我效能偏低(M=2.01, SD=1.01),課程參與度對自我效能之預測力達21%。影響課程參與度的主要因素有社區健康營造活動中心、社區健康營造自我效能及結訓後是否參與活動,其共同預測力達57%。是以,保健志工需要適當的保健課程訓練,使其能從事社區健康營造。建議未來能有主責機構統一規劃,提供一致性之訓練,以提高志工之營造自我效能。而營造自我效能及活動參與度可作為訓練評價之指標。各中心應針對志工之特性及服務需求擬定適當的培訓計畫,使其更有自信投入社區健康營造而能早日達到健康城市之目標。


Abstract Title of Thesis: The Correlational Study on the Participation of Health Training Program among Healthy Communities Volunteers in Taipei City Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Author: Tung, Ching-Ju Thesis directed by: Chen, Ching-Min, Associate Professor Taiwan’s Department of Health had constructed strategies for developing healthy city movement since 1999. There were 223 healthy community centers (HCC) had been set up to train volunteers to promote citizens'' healthy lifestyle. This study purposely selected HCC of Taipei City to explore factors affecting volunteers’ health training program participation (HTPP). The major objectives were as following: (1) to examine volunteers’ HTPP, (2) to explore the relationships among volunteers’ HTPP, self-efficacy (SE) of healthy community building, and community activities participation (CAP) and their quality of life (QOL), and (3)to identify factors that affect volunteers’ HTPP. The cross-sectional study design was used. 250 participants were recruited during HCC routine meetings. A self-developed instrument with desirable validity (CVI > 0.91) and reliability (α= 0.7~ 0.9) was used. Study results revealed majority of the volunteers’ were middle-aged women, high school educated, working part-time, Buddhists, with spouse and middle family income. 50% of subjects had no experience of being volunteers. HTPP was ranged from 0 to 27(M=19, SD=6.73) indicated each HCC varied immensely, Xin Yi, Zhong Zhen and Bei Tou HCC exhibiting higher HTPP. Full-time and part-time workers’ HTPP were higher than unemployed and housewives. 64% of participants involved community activities after training. The average volunteers’ monthly service hours was 10.74(SD= 19.26, Mdn =5), and totally 60~120 hours a year. Those who participated at activities revealed higher HTPP. The QOL was from 10.81 to 30.00 (M=20.50, SD=3.60). Subjects were most satisfied with family domain (M= 22.14, SD=4.47) and most dissatisfied with environmental domain (M=19.69, SD=4.30). HTPP indirectly correlated to QOL. Volunteers'' SE in healthy community building was low (M=2.01, SD=1.01), which however could be explained 21% of HTPP. Factors affecting HTPP included various HCC, SE and CAP, which accounted for 57% of variance. Hence, volunteers needed well-organized training program to increase their SE in order to improve their participations in community health activities. Key words:healthy communities volunteers, health training program participation, self-efficacy of healthy community building, community activities participation, quality of life


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