  • 學位論文


A Study of the Implementation Status of Hospital Logistics and the Attitude and Adoption Willingness of Material Managers

指導教授 : 郭乃文


本研究旨探討台灣地區各層級醫院資材主管引進物流系統進行醫療資材管理之態度、利用意願、影響因素及醫院實施現況。 以台灣地區以上醫院為研究對象,進行508家醫院問卷調查,回收147份有效問卷,回收率28.94﹪。問卷專家效度CVI值0.84以上,Cronbach α=0.89。 資料分析方法包括敘述性統計、交叉、相關、迴歸分析,卡方、無母數檢定,資料分析工具使用SPSS10.0 for window等套裝軟體。 外在環境因素中產業環境因素與醫院採用物流實施配送現況有顯著差異(p<.05),而產業環境因素與同業競爭壓力與採用意願成正相關(r=0.393、0.270,p<.01),內在環境因素中之物流配送利益與醫院採用物流實施現況有顯著差異(p<.05),而支持程度、醫院內部能力、物流配送利益與採用意願成正相關(r=0.254、0.294,0.338,p<.01),醫院物流的態度與醫院採用物流實施配送現況無顯著差異,而提高工作效率、提升醫院形象與採用意願成正相關(r=0.399、0.329,p<.001),過去使用經驗滿意度愈高醫院採用意願愈高(X2=13.482,p<.01),醫院特性中屬性、層級、教學醫院與醫院採用物流實施配送現況有顯著差異(p<.05),醫學中心之採用意願最高。 本研究提出善用物流可提高顧客服務水準,降低醫院經營成本,因此期望透過物流機制進行醫院流程再造,將醫院重心放醫療上,在專業分工的醫療領域裡,,利用先進物流倉儲管理降低成本,提昇空間使用效率成為醫院管理者最佳利器,本研究結果可作為各醫院實施物流之參考。 關鍵字:物流、供應鏈管理、醫療資材


物流 供應鏈管理 醫療資材


The major purpose of this research is to find out the attitude, and adaption willingness of material managers and implementation status of logistics system in difference levels of hospitals in Taiwan. Research Methods and Materials; The research population were 508 hospitals in Taiwan .A questionnaire was sent to each hospital 147 effective questionnaire were received, which was 28.94﹪of the research population. Results of Research:Results of this study are:(1)external environment factors have partial correlation with current situation of implementing hospital logistics, and is related to the willingness to adopt.(2)internal environment factors have partial correlation with current situation of implementing hospital logistics, and is related to the willingness to adopt.(3)attitude of hospital logistics managers have partial correlation with current situation of implementing hospital logistics, and is related with their willingness to adopt.(4)the past experience of hospital logistics managers have correlation with their willingness of adopting hospital logistic.(5)hospital characteristics have correlation with the current implementation of hospital logistics, and is partial related with their willingness to adopt. Discussion and suggestion: The National Health Insurance had implemented many policies to limit the rising medical expenses. All of these have reduced the revenue of hospitals institutes. In this research, hospital material managers agreed will reduced storage space and costs of storage. Additionally, hospital logistics will be able to upgrade the service standards and satisfied customer‘s needs. Therefore, through the adopting of logistics mechanism, hospitals will reorganized their supply system and allow them to emphasize on medical services. Hospital logistics will enable the hospital to receive low cost medical supplies, and the logistic / warehouse administration techniques will reduce the management cost, and increase the efficiency in space utilization. Key word: Logistics, Supply chain management, Hospital materials


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曾芬郁(2008)。門診就診流程品質: 臺大醫院總院內科部個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02204
