  • 學位論文


Comparison of ghrelin gene polymorphisms and its related metabolism between obese and non-obese subjects in local area

指導教授 : 劉正民


Ghrelin 是由人類胃部的細胞所分泌的激素,短期控制在攝取食量的系統中,扮演了一個重要的角色,而過度攝取食物是導致肥胖的主要原因之一。先前國外有研究指出Ghrelin轉錄區在第51個及第72個氨基酸有基因的多型性差異,為了解台灣地區在肥胖症與正常個體在Ghrelin基因多型性,利用Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs)方法研究分析92人台灣地區肥胖症結果有15人發現Arg51Gln突變,相較於台灣地區正常個體99人無出現該點變異(p<0.001)。另外在Leu72Met基因位置,肥胖症與正常個體也有差異 (p<0.05),其結果顯示台灣地區肥胖與正常人口Ghrelin基因可能存在基因多型性差異。比較有突變與無突變肥胖人口在生理及生化檢查並無差異性,其結論推測Ghrelin單一肥胖基因變異,並不能改變肥胖者生理及生化值的變化。


Ghrelin, an hormone released from epithelial cells in the stomach, plays an important factor for food intake control during a short term period, while over food intake is one of the major reasons toward obese. It has been identified by foreign researchers that the ghrelin transcript regions of amino acid the 51 and the 72 are two different loci in genetic polymorphism. This report is focused on the ghrelin genetic polymorphism of the obesity and normal persons in Taiwan by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs). It was is observed 15 out of 92 obese Taiwanese, have Arg51Gln mutation while 99 normal Taiwanese have no such mutation (p<0.001). Moreover, it is different between the obesity and normal persons in the gene coding position of Leu72Met (p<0.05). Based on these results,, we may conclude the ghrelin genetic polymorphism is different between the obesity and the normal Taiwanese. However, there is no difference in comparison for the obesity with ghrelin gene mutations and without mutations on some related physiological and biochemical parameters.


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