  • 學位論文


Examining Infertility’s Stigma on Women’s Desire to Reproduce and How Different Medical Spaces Influence Their Responses to Privacy Invasion

指導教授 : 吳齊殷 高美英


本研究以台灣不孕婦女為例,探討她們在面對不孕污名處境時的生育態度,以及她們在面對醫院空間隱私被侵犯時的回應。本研究與過往研究不同之處,在於以往國內關於不孕的專門研究以及醫院空間隱私研究甚少,又多偏於質性的探討,因此,本研究採質量並行的方式進行,除了有質性部分的探究,更輔以量化資料佐證,增添資料豐富性。本研究在國內三家通過衛生署核可、設有生殖醫學中心的醫院中進行量化資料的蒐集,有效樣本共計165位;質訪個案12名,由165位量化樣本中徵得而來。 研究發現,不孕的污名的確會使婦女有強烈的生育意願,因為唯有生了孩子才能夠去除她們身上的污名,因此她們也會積極透過西醫以及其他療法來達到懷孕生子的目的。不孕婦女會自我貶抑、在求診不孕時會感到「沒面子」、並會藉由「資訊控制」策略來降低自己的污名特質。在醫院空間部分,大部分受訪者對於隱私被侵犯都會感到不舒服,但是多數的受訪者還是繼續上醫院求診,除了強烈的生育動機外,不孕的特質加上醫院門診屬性的不同,使得她們在隱私被侵犯時,得以找到降低污名的策略來讓自己繼續求診。以不孕症專科來說,因為病人同質性高,使得受訪者在隱私被侵犯的程度相對降低,不孕污名也降低。 關鍵字:不孕症、污名、醫院空間、隱私侵犯


不孕症 污名 醫院空間 隱私侵犯


The study took 165 infertile women from three hospitals with reproductive medical center approved by Department of Health in Taiwan as participants, and the main purpose of this research was to investigate their bearing attitude toward stigma of infertility and response to privacy invasion in medical spaces. There were few studies focusing on the stigma of infertility and privacy invasion in hospital in Taiwan, and most of the conclusions were based on qualitative analysis. The study therefore made a difference from the past ones by combining qualitative results with quantitative findings for richer conclusions. After evaluating on research scales, 12 subjects volunteered for deeper interviews. Several conclusions were as follows: Firstly, the quantitative analysis revealed an important finding that the stigma of infertility indeed made women a strong will of bearing, which was because of getting pregnant and having a baby was the only way to get rid of the stigma on them. For this reason, these women were eager to see doctors and tried hard for other treatments to get pregnant and to have a baby. Moreover, infertile women depreciated themselves, felt “losing face” to see a doctor and reduced the stigmatic attribute by strategies such as controlling information. Furthermore, most of them felt uncomfortable when their privacy was invested in medical spaces, though many of them kept going to hospital for the doctor. Except the strong will of bearing, the attribute of infertility and the differences of clinics supported them for going on treatments. Take reproductive medical clinic as an example, outpatients here were all infertile women, for the same treatment reason, they could easier lower their feeling of stigma and privacy invasion. Key Words: Infertility, stigma, medical spaces, privacy invasion.


Infertility stigma medical spaces privacy invasion


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李麗熒、金繼春,1996,〈南部某醫學中心不孕婦女感受到的壓力源〉。《護理研 究》4:2,186-194。


