  • 學位論文


Effects of schizandra and sesame extract mixture on CCl4-induced liver injury in rats

指導教授 : 楊 素 卿 博士


本研究針對五味子(schizandra)及芝麻(sesame),探討其萃取物對四氯化碳(CCl4)誘導肝損傷之大白鼠肝功能、抗氧化狀態及脂質代謝的影響。將六週齡大的雄性SD大白鼠分成五組,每組十隻,包括A組:正常飲食組、B組: CCl4處理組、C組: CCl4處理組,並餵食7.5mg/kg/day之silymarin、D組: CCl4處理組,並餵食低劑量之複方五味子芝麻萃取物(43mg/kg/day)及E組: CCl4處理組,並餵食高劑量複方五味子芝麻萃取物(215mg/kg/day)。B、C、D及E組皮下注射0.75mL/kg之四氯化碳(40%四氯化碳/橄欖油, v/v),每星期一次,A組則以等量之橄欖油代替。實驗為期八週。結果顯示,八週後B組血漿中AST及ALT的活性顯著高於A組,而C、D及E組之AST及ALT活性與B組比較之下,顯著降低。抗氧化能力方面,各組紅血球中之抗氧化酵素活性皆沒有顯著差異。但是,B組之肝臟中glutathione peroxidase(GPX)的活性顯著低於A組,而D組及E組之肝臟GPX活性顯著高於B組。肝臟中glutathione reductase(GRD)的活性在各組中皆沒有顯著差異。另外,B組肝臟中superoxidase dismutase(SOD)的活性和A組沒有顯著差異,但D組及E組SOD的活性卻顯著高於B組。肝臟catalase(CAT)活性方面,B組和A組沒有顯著差異,但D組的活性卻顯著低於B組。相較於B組,D組能夠顯著提高紅血球中glutathione(GSH)濃度,而C、D及E組皆較B組顯著提高肝臟中GSH的濃度。另外,C組及E組與B組比較之下能夠顯著降低血漿中脂質過氧化物malondialdehyde(MDA)濃度。在脂質代謝方面,C、D及E組在實驗末能夠顯著降低血漿及肝臟中總膽固醇濃度,並且顯著增加血漿中高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(HDL-C)濃度。肝臟病理切片報告則指出,B、C、D及E各組雖然在肝臟纖維化方面沒有顯著差異,但是D組及E組卻能顯著改善膽管增生及發炎反應的情形。綜合以上結果可以推測,複方五味子芝麻萃取物在CCl4誘導肝臟損傷的模式下,可以藉由改善大白鼠之抗氧化狀態以及脂質代謝的作用以達到保護肝臟的功能。


In this study, we examined the effects of schizandra and sesame extract mixture on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Rats aged 6 weeks were assigned to five groups: A(control group), B(CCl4 injection), C(CCl4 injection combined with the supplementation of silymarin, 7.5mg/kg/day), D(CCl4 injection combined with the supplementation of schizandra and sesame extract mixture, 43 mg/kg/day) and E(CCl4 injection combined with the supplementation of schizandra and sesame extract mixture, 215 mg/kg/day). Rats in group B, C, D and E were subcutaneously injected with 0.75ml/kg of 40% CCl4 dissolved in olive oil once a week, while rats in group A were injected with olive oil only. The experimental period was 8 weeks. The results indicated that rats in group C, D and E showed a significantly lower plasma AST and ALT activities than those of rats in group B (p<0.05) after eight weeks. Glutathione reductase(GRD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), catalase(CAT) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activities in erythrocytes showed no difference among all groups. However, hepatic SOD and GPX activities in group D and E were significantly increased than those of group B(p<0.05). Hepatic GRD activities showed no difference among all groups, and hepatic CAT activities in group D showed significantly higher than those of group B. In addition, the reduced glutathione(GSH) concentration of erythrocytes in group D showed significantly higher by 25% than that of group B(p<0.05). Compared to group B, the MDA(malondialdehyde) concentration of erythrocytes in group C and E were significantly deceased by 42% and 25% respectively(p<0.05). The hepatic GSH concentrations in group C, D and E showed significantly increased by 48%, 45% and 53% respectively than those of group B(p<0.05). There was no difference in hepatic MDA concentrations in each group. In addition, groups C, D and E showed the significantly lower total cholesterol concentration than group B in plasma and liver. Rats in group C, D and E showed the significantly high HDL-C concentration in plasma than rats in group B. These results suggest the schizandra and sesame extract mixture showed the hepatoprotective effects by means of improving the antioxdative capacity and lipid metabolism, when rats were under CCl4-induced oxidative stress. Key words: schizandra extract、sesame extract、carbon tetrachloride、antioxdative capacity、lipid metabolism


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