

水蕨 (Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn.) 為水蕨科水蕨屬之植物,於台灣民間採其全草,作為治瘡傷、皮膚病、活血、解毒等之用。 夲研究為水蕨全草成分之分析。由水蕨全草以95%乙醇冷浸,浸液經減壓濃縮,以水和乙酸乙酯分配萃取,其中水層占大部分。取乙酸乙酯層,利用不同吸附劑 (包括正相及逆相) 管柱色層分析,高效液相層析、再結晶等方法,進行分離純化。 乙酸乙酯層經分離純化的結果,得六個化合物。利用各種光譜分析鑑定其結構。該六個化合物皆屬於1-indanone的倍半萜類,分別為:pterosin Z (化合物PT1)、pterosin D (化合物PT2)、15-hydroxypterosin Z (化合物PT3)、pterosin A (化合物PT4)、13-ethoxypterosin A (化合物PT5)、pterosin K(化合物PT6)。其中化合物PT1、PT2、PT4、PT6為已知成分,化合物PT3、PT5為新化合物。


水蕨 倍半萜類


Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn. (Parkeriaceae) is a kind of aquatic fern, and its herba is commonly used in Taiwan to treat sores, skin diseases, promote the circulation of blood, and remove toxic materials in the body. This research analyzes the constituents of the herba of Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn. Whole fresh ferns were extracted with 95% ethanol(aq), processed and condensed, resulting in a crude extract which was partitioned into Ethyl acetate and H2O, with most of the extract in the H2O layer. The ethyl acetate layer was subjected to chromatography, HPLC, and recrystallization. Six compounds were isolated from the Ethyl acetate layer, and their structures were 1-indanone-type sesquiterpenes processed by various spectral studies. The structures were elucidated as Pterosin Z (compound PT1), Pterosin D (compound PT2), Pterosin A (compound PT4), Pterosin K (compound PT6), 15-hydroxypterosin Z (compound PT3), and 13-ethoxypterosin A (compound PT5) . Among these six compounds, compound PT3 and compound PT5 are newly discovered.


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