  • 學位論文


Flight and Aviation Medicine ---- A New Look

指導教授 : 林佳谷


目的: 自1903年萊特兄弟試飛成功迄今正好百週年(A.D. 2003),超越陸地與海洋,朝以飛更高、移動速度更快(超音速飛機)、飛更遠(外太空)以及太空站的設立;此時,人因工程及人類健康亦漸受重視,朝以更安全、更健康、更舒適的方向邁進。跨洲際的飛行,已成人類生活中的一部份(旅遊),也成某些人士的職業;機艙人員的職業衛生和旅客衛生保健的議題,都值得我們重視。一個研究論文也就因應而生。 方法: 雖然航空領域有難以介入之困難,不過藉由文獻、航空展、他人飛行經驗、專家訪談、座談會(專家、空服員、旅行社、乘客之意見)及問卷(空服員325份及旅客352份),始得以進入飛行醫學之初探。問卷部分,促成了本論文第三、四、五章,即「材料與方法、結果與討論」的內容;其他文獻的探討,促成了第六章「新展望」的成果。 結果: 從第三、四、五章問卷,獲得以下幾點寶貴資料。 1. 空服員方面: 基本素質很好,年輕、健康、樂觀、敬業、高教育水準、生活型態良好、不嗜菸酒等;對其他健康議題如執勤時的飲水、憋尿、時差適應等狀況都有不錯的結果;但在DVT、急救方面的認知與訓練(如AED設備)有加強的空間;對於婦科與生育問題、高空輻射線、災後心理等,有某種程度的隱憂。 2. 旅客方面: 乘客年齡層以青壯年為主,65歲以下的中年人有較佳的養生智慧與健康照顧觀念。問卷中問題的設計分為飛行前、中、後三階段。從結果中發現29.5﹪在飛行後的感受是痛苦或不太舒服、24.7﹪者不看逃生說明影片、26.7﹪不注意逃生門的方位與距離等。 新展望: 在達到像鳥兒一樣飛翔的夢想後,今日人類的表現已超越鳥類所及,但超越極限的精神卻從不停歇。然而,更安全、更健康、更舒適飛行的議題,永遠與航空醫學是密不可分的。 部分建議如下: 1. 航空公司方面:飛機保養資料應透明化、加強機艙急救技術與設備(如AED)的提供與訓練。 2. 旅客方面:國健局應加強旅客的航空醫學健康教育。 3. 飛機製造商:可考慮竹炭於機艙裝潢和座椅填塞物的應用。 4. 政府單位方面:嚴格介入恐怖份子和劫機客的防範措施,考慮採用Terahertz Wave的檢查和使用生物辨識系統或植入I.D.晶片於駕駛員體內等。


飛行 航空醫學 空服員 搭機乘客


Objective: Since the first successful flight of the Wright brothers in 1903, we have the centennial celebration this year (A.D. 2003). Beyond land and ocean, people are flying ambitiously toward higher altitude, faster speed (supersonic), farther destination (outer space) and space stations establishment. In the meantime, the ergonomic, human health concerns are growing --- a safer, healthier and more comfortable flight are pursued. To accomplish an inter-continental flight is becoming a routine (job) and part of our lifestyle (traveling). To protect the crew ( an occupational health issue ), and passengers ( a public health issue) are receiving more attention. A research thesis on “ Flight and Aviation Medicine -A New Look ” is thus emerged. Method: To break through the difficulties in accessing the aviation activities, this research was carried out through process of literature review, personal air-traveling experience, expert interviews, conference (a gathering of experts, air-crew, travel agencies, and passengers ), and questionnaire (to both air crew and passengers, around 300 each). From questionnaire, chapter 3、4 & 5 are compiled;from literature review and other perspective research, the chapter 6 , ‘A New Look ‘was completed. Result: Based on chapter 3、4 & 5, fruitful information has been collected: a. The flight cabin attendants:most of them are in good nature, such as young, healthy, optimistic, diligent, high education level, good lifestyle, no indulgence in alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking;regimen on water drinking and urine retention, jet lag, etc. are acceptable;recognition and training on emergency first-aide handling, e.g. DVT and AED have to be emphasized;attendants are highly concerned on the health effects of fertility, radiation, PTSD, etc. b. The passengers:most of the passengers are young and middle-aged;those of the elder but less than 65 of age have better wisdom on health protection and regimen. Questions in questionnaire are designed for the three stages of before, during, after flying. Findings are:discomfort or agony(29.5﹪), pay no attention to the safety-instruction film(24.7﹪), careless to the emergency exits(26.7﹪), etc. A New Look: After achieving the dream of being able to fly as a bird, people are performing even better than a bird today. But the spirit of ‘ going beyond expectation ‘ never ceasing, people are always dreaming a dream. Undoubtly, the idea of flying safer, healthier and more comfortable is always adhering to the issue of aviation medicine. Recommendations, few examples are given below: a. For airline companies:aircraft maintenance records be transparent to the public, first aide equipment(e.g. AED) and training program be provided, etc. b. For passengers:health education on aviation medicine should be emphasized by the Bureau of Health Promotion. c. For aircraft manafacturers:the bamboo-coke can be considered for the material used in cabin interior decoration and stuffing the chairs. d. For government:stringent interventions in preventing terrorism / hijack, e.g. introducing the Terahertz Wave inspection, and using ‘ biological application system ‘ or implanting I.D. chip on pilots, etc.


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