  • 學位論文


Integrating Hospital Medical Care Data with Pharmaceutical Education Materials for Diabetes Self Management

指導教授 : 劉建財


糖尿病患需要長期治療,而藥物治療在糖尿病病情的控制上扮演一個重要的角色。糖尿病藥物教育網路輔助系統,將醫院藥物處方和藥物資訊教育整合,以提供糖尿病人藥物資訊的需求。 本研究建置之糖尿病藥物教育網路輔助系統,是以先前建置之系統為基礎,擴充並增加糖尿病人藥物教育資訊。除了在原有系統中,糖尿病患可查詢個人衛教內容、醫院檢驗值、醫院處方及上傳自己在家記錄的血糖值外,本研究再擴充的系統新增功能,則是病人更可以查詢藥物處方及該藥物的相關資訊內容,包括有藥物名稱、劑型劑量、適應症、副作用、注意事項及藥物圖片辨識等。 本研究以使用過本系統的糖尿病人及其家屬為研究對象,共發出93份問卷,回收38份,回收率為40.9%。評估方式分為系統使用統計及使用者滿意度問卷兩部分。在系統使用統計部份,由網頁伺服器自動統計使用者登入及點閱頁面情形。而在使用者滿意度問卷部分,則分為五個構面來測量使用者的滿意度,包括:系統內容(Content)、系統正確性(Accuracy)、資訊呈現格式(Format)、簡易性(Ease of Use)與即時性(Timeliness)。 系統使用統計結果,發現個人衛教內容使用次數最多,其次是藥物資訊部份。問卷統計部份,有七成以上的使用者對於此系統感到滿意。 本研究所建立糖尿病藥物教育網路輔助系統,將糖尿病人就診資料與藥物衛教資料加以整合,提供病人更為豐富及清楚的資訊,協助正確使用藥物。


糖尿病 藥物資訊


Patients with Diabetes require long-term treatment, so medication plays an important role in controlling Diabetes. By using the system of medical information for Diabetes, based on POEM, patients can get more sufficient and detailed information concerning Diabetes and medicine prescribed by doctors. In this way, patients and their family can learn the skills of self-care and avoid certain complications in advance. The original system provides patients with patient education, results of medical check-up, prescriptions from doctors, and at the same time patients can upload their glucose recorded at home. In the newly-upgraded system of this study, patients can obtain more information related to the medicine their doctors prescribe for them, including name, usage, dosage, indication, side effects, caution and pictures. The study was to find out the reaction of diabetic patients and their family who have already used this system. We gathered the information in two different ways. One was from statistics of using frequency of certain functions of the system. The other was from user satisfaction questionnaires. The response rate was 40.9% (38 usable response out of 93 questionnaires distributed). In the questionnaire, a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest) was used to measure user satisfaction in five constructs: content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. According the results of this study, the function which patients and their family used most frequently is patient education, and information regarding medicine is the second one. More than 70% of the users are satisfied with this system. The new system in this study integrates both diabetic patients’ pharmaceutical education information and medical care information to provide them with more comprehensive personalized medication information so that they can access the on-line system afterwards and can have better knowledge with their medicines.


Diabetes Pharmaceutical Education


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