  • 學位論文


Effect of Communication Media in Smoke-Free Restaurants Program 2003-2005

指導教授 : 葉錦瑩


背景︰菸害已經成為全球十大風險之一,近20年來,人類癌症死亡率增加了19%,尤其肺癌的死亡率增加最多,其中男性增加76%,女性則增加135%,可見菸害已經成為全世界必須共同面對的健康議題。 目的︰國民健康局從民國九十二年首先發動「無菸餐廳」計畫,進一步在台灣推展菸害防治工作,「無菸餐廳」運動正可以作為台灣積極推展菸害防治的紀錄,而民眾是否因為一連串的媒體報導以及宣傳活動,而能夠喚醒個人健康意識,值得探討,本研究藉由傳播對健康議題投入程度以及民眾認知態度與行為調查結果,以評估其媒體露出與宣導之效應。 方法︰本研究就無菸餐廳宣導計畫民國92年到民國94年三年間的媒體溝通模式進行比較。首先分別由電視、報紙、網路以及公關宣傳活動等四大項評估其短期成效。再根據無菸餐廳計畫中全省四波民意調查的結果,評估媒體公關宣傳的長期成效。 結果︰無菸餐廳的民眾知曉率,由民意調查之前測問卷分析結果為43.9%,在計畫開始進行之後,升高至92年的59.2%、93年的57.6%,最後在民國94年,更是上升到65.6%,主要訊息來源來自電視廣告、電視新聞、以及無菸餐廳內的口耳相傳,除此之外,其影響因子包括年齡(勝算比為20至49歲1.43,50歲以上0.46)、是否有外食習慣(勝算比1.32)和對二手菸的危害意識(勝算比2.13)。而去過無菸餐廳用餐民眾比例,從第一年的16.3%提升至第二年的34.6%,最後一年更提升至43.1%,主要的影響因子包括教育程度(勝算比為高中0.65,大學以上1.13)、有沒有吸菸習慣(勝算比1.73)、外食習慣(勝算比2.32)、都會地區(勝算比1.37)以及各種不同管道來源的無菸餐廳訊息,例如:電視廣告(勝算比1.53)以及電視新聞(勝算比1.69)之外,還包括來自報紙(勝算比2.28)、廣播(勝算比2.43)、各式各樣無菸餐廳相關宣傳品(勝算比2.28)、以及無菸餐廳內工作人員彼此口耳相傳,都在統計上呈現顯著意義,顯示無菸餐廳計畫,透過媒體的大力推展,迅速提升民眾對於無菸餐廳的知曉率和參與率。 討論:無菸餐廳計畫以實務公關業界進行整合行銷傳播的方式,來推行健康議題,是國民健康局多年來進行菸害防治計畫,以及推動反菸議題的一種長期計畫,同時,也是第一次以行銷的手段完整的推行健康概念議題,依照創造的廣告效益計算,成功創造議題,同時也吸引新聞媒體的報導,其次,再由三次民調結果顯示,民眾確實經由各式各樣的傳播工具,接收到無菸餐廳的相關訊息。 建議:綜合本研究結果建議:一、擅用傳播工具,二、明確設定議題增加內容廣度,三、增加參與無菸餐廳的誘因,四、增加橫向以及縱向聯繫,五、支持政府立法。至於未來有關媒體效益評估之建議,可朝向幾個方向進行:一、比較不同性質媒體報導內容、二、比較不同的健康推廣計畫、三、分析閱聽大眾接收媒體訊息的特性。 結論:國民健康局與台北醫學大學公共衛生學系結合輔大廣告傳播學系及公關公司,所共同合作的無菸餐廳計畫,從92年到94年三年間進行整合行銷傳播相關的宣傳計畫,長期追蹤民眾的知曉率及參與率,研究結果顯示均逐年攀升,可見無菸餐廳計畫透過媒體的大力推展,民眾藉由電視、新聞報導、報紙、廣播等等傳播媒體強力放送,確實可以迅速提升民眾對於無菸餐廳的知曉率和參與率。


Background: Smoking has become one of the top ten health risks around the world. As the overall death rate from cancer grew 19 percent in the last two decades, lung cancer mortality rate have rapidly increased 76 percent in men and 135 percent in women. The growing health risk brought by smoking, therefore, has made smoking prevention a major health issue worldwide. Goal: As part of its effort to promote smoking prevention campaign, the Bureau of Health Promotion under the Department of Health launched the “smoke-free restaurant” program since 2003. By examining media coverage and government promotion of the program, this dissertation explores levels of media attention to the health issue, and how does media promotion of the program contribute to the people’s health conscious and behavior. Methodology: This study compares media coverage of the program and its effects from 2003 to 2005. Following an examination of short-term effects of media coverage, including TV, newspaper and web, and PR promotion, the study will conduct an analysis on the long-term effects of media coverage and PR promotion by exploring four public opinion polls conducted by the program. Result: According to the first public opinion poll, 43 percent of the people know about smoke-free restaurants before the promotion. The figure rose to 59.2 percent in 2003, 57.6 percent in 2004, and 65.6 percent in 2005. Major source of information are TV commercials, TV news coverage and word-of-mouth promotion in the restaurants. Other variations includes ages, the habit of dine out, and sense of crisis towards secondhand smoke. The number of the people who have been to smoke-free restaurants increased to 34 percent in 2004, and to 43.1 percent in 2005. Variations include education, habit of smoking and information about smoke-free restaurants all contribute to the growing figures. The examination of public opinion polls showed that media coverage played a major role in promoting smoke-free restaurants to the public and contributed to the growing number of people who dine at smoke-free restaurants. Discussion: The “smoke-free restaurant” program, part of the Health Promotion Bureau’s smoking prevention efforts, promotes health issue through PR promotion and marketing. As the bureau’s first attempt to promote health issue with marketing strategy, the program successfully attracted media attention, raised public awareness of the health issue and receive information about smoke-free restaurants, as public opinion polls showed. Suggestions: This study suggested that it take advantage of communication tools and set up a distinct agenda. The program should also adopt more encouragement measures to attract more participating restaurants, increase vertical and horizontal integrations, and support the legislation of prohibiting smoking in restaurants. Examination of the effects of media coverage on the program should compare different platform of media coverage, various health promotion campaigns and conduct analysis on public reaction to media coverage. Conclusion: The marketing strategy and intensive media coverage of the “smoke-free restaurant” program between 2003 and 2005 has successfully attracted public attention of the restaurants and brought growing number of the people to participate in the program.


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