  • 學位論文


Epidemiology of Hospitalized Eye Injury in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱文達


摘要 目的: 描述台灣地區眼外傷住院病例之流行病學分析及危險因子的探討 方法: 本研究是包含多家醫學中心住院眼外傷病患的回溯性研究。總共從台灣地區三個城市的六家醫學中心收集一年內因眼外傷住院的病歷資料,包括人口統計學及臨床資料。 結果: 本研究包括220個病人的224眼睛的外傷資料,眼外傷住院病人佔同時期眼科住院總人數的3.96 %。病患的平均年齡為42.6歲,年齡範圍從2歲到97歲,男女比例為3.58,最高的男女比例為年齡區間20-29歲的6.75,最常發生傷害的地點是工作地點佔全部的27.3%,尖銳物品是最常引起眼外傷的原因占31.4%。多數病患為開放性眼球外傷占70%,有92% 的眼外傷住院病人在住院期間接受眼科手術治療。病患治療前有三分之二視力低於20/200,最終視力較住院接受治療前改善者有68%,變差的有9%。因為先前的白內障或角膜移植手術傷口裂開造成眼球破裂者有 8 %,大多數是老年人因跌倒造成。 結論 眼外傷是重要且可以預防的眼部疾患,年輕男性特別是在工作場所有比較高的機會發生需要住院治療的嚴重眼外傷。在從事可能有危險性的工作或是運動時應使用護眼裝置;老年人特別是曾經接受過眼科手術者,需避免跌倒或是鈍器挫傷來避免開放性眼球外傷。職場眼外傷應該藉由教育與法規來加以預防。 關鍵字: 眼外傷、住院眼外傷


眼外傷 住院眼外傷


Epidemiology of Hospitalized Eye Injuries in Taiwan Chien-Liang Wu, M.D.; Wen-Ta Chiu, M.D.,PhD. Institute of Injury Prevention, Taipei Medical University ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the epidemiological features and risk factors of hospitalized eye injury cases in Taiwan Methods: A multi-center retrospective case series analysis of hospitalized eye injuries. The demographic and clinical data were obtained from the hospital chart records of the eye injury patients who were admitted to ophthalmology department of total six medical centers in three cities of Taiwan during one year period. Results: There were 224 injured eyes of 220 patients included in this study. The proportion of eye injury patients among total admitted ophthalmic patients was 3.96%. The mean age was 42.6 years old, ranged from 2 to 97 years old. The male to female ratio was 3.58, with the highest of 6.75 in the third decade. The most frequent place where injury happened was workplace (27.3%). Sharp objects were the most common source of injury which caused 31.4% cases in this study. High incidence of open globe injuries (70%) was noted. There are 92% of patients underwent surgical procedures to repair the injured eye. Two thirds of the patients presented with poor initial visual acuities of less than 20/200. The final visual acuities were better after treatment in 68%, worse in 9% of the patients. Rupture of globes due to wound dehiscence of previous cataract or keratoplasty wounds happened in 8 % of the patients, most of them were old age persons who suffered from falls. Conclusions: Trauma is an important preventable ocular morbidity. Young male, especially at workplace have higher risk of severe eye injuries that require hospitalization. Eye protection devices are suggested to wear during potentially hazardous works or sports. The elder people, especially those had ever received ocular surgeries, should avoid from falling down or blunt trauma to prevent open globe injuries. Eye injuries that happened at workplace should be prevented through education and legislation. Keywords: eye injury; ocular trauma; hospitalization


eye injury ocular trauma hospitalization


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